5 reasons why Tesla is probably about to bounce


The debates around Tesla and its future focus in recent years on a tense balance sheet, the delicate rise in production of model 3 and the erratic behavior of CEO Elon Musk.

But at the time when the company was worth … about what it is worth now, it had withdrew by about $ 300 in 2014 for its stock of water and had established a systematic downward trend in valuations at the beginning of the year, followed by recoveries at the end of the year.

Because Tesla is still in the news and the title is a battleground for investors, sharp stock price movements are not unusual. This is abnormal for the Tesla sector that builds and sells cars, where major manufacturers can see their stocks stay stable for years. The problem of 2014-2017 was therefore to discern a trend that at least made sense.

This is the only way to determine if Tesla was slightly overvalued or highly overrated. Similarly, the massive sales of Tesla were sometimes overcooked. The classic example was a big fall after Tesla's SolarCity acquisition in 2016.

Savvy investors who thought the deal would not kill Tesla bought when their stock was below $ 200 and had earned nearly $ 400 before the stock pullback in 2018 and their collapse in 2019.

And that's it, Tesla is bouncing again as we prepare for the second half of the year and the automaker's report on second-quarter vehicle deliveries. Tesla has telegraphed that deliveries are expected to be a significant improvement over the first quarter, which was a significant decline from a strong 2018 close.

This speculation has once again pushed stocks above $ 200, an important support for the title. A decent Q2 should send the stock back to $ 250. History has shown Tesla's investors that they really do not want to miss the rebounds, which tend to be dramatic.

Deliveries for the second quarter should also set the stage for what may well be a return to profitability by the third or fourth quarter (the second quarter is a meeting with a loss). The last quarter is typically the largest of Tesla, so no surprises there.

The conclusion to remember here is that we have already seen this movie. The difference is that we watch it for the first time after Tesla's nightmare in 2018 and early 2019.


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