5G uses less energy than 4G at high bit rates, but more for basic tasks


If you have hesitated to buy a 5G device because you are concerned about the depletion of cells, do not worry: 5G devices are able to provide higher energy efficiency than 4G LTE models, according to a new study by The Signals. Research Group (SRG), although 5G or 4G consumes less power depending on the rate and applications used at a given time.

The SRG test in Minneapolis, Minnesota, used Verizon's 5G and 4G networks with the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G, specifically the US model containing the same Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 and X50 modem components used in other older 5G devices . Armed with Accuver and Spirent test equipment, SRG conducted battery current tests at 5 Mbps, 30 Mbps and "maximum possible" bit rates, switching between two 5G radio conditions and multiple 4G conditions, including Aggregation to two and three carriers.

The results were mixed but generally positive for 5G devices. At the maximum possible rates, which on Verizon's 5G millimeter wave network may be around 1 Gbps, 5G could be "significantly more energy efficient than LTE." This remained true for "relatively modest 5G speeds" compared to a much faster LTE than LTE. generally found in the United States. But the tables were spinning when the network was forced to lower the bit rate, where the 4G was more energy efficient than the 5G, probably because the 5G consumes more power when it is turned on and needs to stay on more. long time to transmit the same amount of data.

In other words, early 5G chips are able to handle huge amounts of data (for example, a large file) with much higher energy efficiency than conventional 4G, but suffer from having to dribble data (for example, web pages containing many small files) at speeds similar to 4G. Since the first 5G devices can connect to both 4G and 5G networks at the same time, software optimizations should allow them to make better choices about where their data will be transmitted.

In practice, SRG claims that the energy advantages and disadvantages of 5G do not matter, because other elements of phone use, especially backlighting, have much greater effects on the life of the phone. the battery as the cellular chip. Since the 5G allows a user to reduce screen time during downloads or waiting for results, this could also reduce the use of the backlight. Users of 5G devices should expect sufficient battery life for a 4,400 mAh battery to last a full day's work unless they are aggressively tested under extreme conditions.


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