6 Coronavirus Vaccine Scams That Target Your Money and Personal Information – & What To Do About Them


Scammers promise quick access to vaccines or even a personal shipment of vaccines – at a cost, of course. But their offers are not legitimate and those they defraud could end up with their personal information exposed and their money stolen without ever getting vaccinated.

Bottom line: If you receive a communication about vaccines that seems fishy, ​​check it with your local health department. Do not give out personal information such as your bank account information or social security number when asked by someone you do not know – no health service or vaccination site would need this information for you get vaccinated. And you should only be vaccinated at authorized vaccination sites.

You will not have to pay to receive the Covid-19 vaccine when it is your turn. If you are asked to pay or provide private information, it is not legitimate.

If your loved one is hesitant to get the Covid-19 vaccine, share it
You should only receive a Covid-19 vaccine at authorized vaccination sites such as hospitals, pharmacies, or mass vaccination centers such as sports arenas. If you don’t know where to find your local vaccination site, you can search them by state through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Your vaccine provider may charge you an “administration fee” to get you vaccinated. You can be reimbursed for these costs through your insurance or, if you are uninsured, through the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Provider Relief Fund, according to the CDC. If you cannot afford the fees, you will not be refused.

SCAM: Early access is available to you for a fee

If you receive an offer to get your Covid-19 vaccine early for a fee, ignore it. No health service or vaccination site would vaccinate someone sooner than expected if they paid for it.

The FBI warned of the scam in December 2020, and Better Business Bureau Scam Tracker reports show that unknown scammers sent unsolicited texts to random users, offering them access to the vaccine regardless of the condition. location of the immunization schedule.

SCAM: You are told to pay to put your name on a waiting list

As mentioned above, your local health department or vaccination site will not contact you and request that payment be put on a waiting list. Some vaccination sites in New York, Houston and Miami have created waiting lists – primarily for seniors who are eligible to receive their vaccines now but have not been able to get an appointment – but these vary. depending on the location.
Some were more fortunate to show up at vaccination sites towards the end of the day in search of remaining vaccines. But if the sites have additional vaccines that need to be used within a few hours, you won’t be asked to pay for them.
Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines are now available to some Americans.  But if you are offered early vaccination for a price, it is probably a scam.

SCAM: You are prompted to schedule appointments through unverified platforms

These 'vaccine hunters' are ahead of their plans by playing with the system

Unless you are certain that your local health department is scheduling vaccine appointments on Eventbrite or similar platforms, you should avoid signing up through sites not affiliated with your health department or pharmacy.

Some counties are using Eventbrite to schedule vaccine appointments, but the ambiguity has made it easier for crooks to cash in. In a county in Florida where health officials did do not Using Eventbrite, the scammers set up fake accounts and tasked applicants with scheduling vaccine appointments in the county anyway.

It is best to make an appointment with your local health department or pharmacy.

SCAM: You are told to pay for the vaccine to be shipped to you

Vaccine distributors do not send doses of the vaccine to individuals and you should not administer the vaccine to yourself. You should only receive a vaccine at authorized vaccination sites, which you can find from your public health department or the CDC.

SCAM: You are required to take additional tests before getting vaccinated

You won’t be required to take an antibody test or Covid-19 test before you receive your vaccine, so if you get text messages, calls, or emails claiming you should buy a test before you go, it is a scam. As reported by CNET and AARP, you don’t need to undergo any additional medical tests before or during your vaccine appointment.

How to avoid getting ripped off

Staying alert and informed is the best way to prevent fraudsters from gaining access to your money or private information.

It’s best to contact your healthcare provider directly to get the facts, rather than just interacting with an unknown person via email or text. You are unlikely to be asked by a legitimate source to pay for a vaccine or visit a glitch link.

If an unknown source asks you for your Social Security number, bank account information, or insurance ID, do not give it to them unless you have verified their identity with an official source, such as your department. provider or your health care provider.

There are a few places where you can report vaccine scams:

  • ReportFraud.ftc.gov from the Federal Trade Commission, which shares information with law enforcement
  • FBI Tipline, at tips.fbi.gov or 1-800-CALL-FBI
  • Office of the HHS Inspector General at tips.hhs.gov or 1-800-HHS-TIPS
  • The Better Business Bureau scam tracker


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