6 zodiac signs with fear of hurting themselves, according to astrology


It makes them crazy.

Being human is not easy – we can all agree with that. What makes us sometimes so difficult is that we are such vulnerable creatures. emotionally, we are either a mess or we have turned our pain into a kind of stoic representation of a balanced mental state.

The truth is that we are easily hurt and we treat our pain in different ways. And the signs of the zodiac with the fear of hurting themselves sometimes have a hard time getting through the day, while others find coping mechanisms and skills to make their lives more bearable. And if astrology is an indication, these signs help to ensure that they feel no emotional agitation.

And that does not mean that life is only trial and tribulation, it's just that no one really has an easy life. We all pay in one way or another. You may be rich or poor, but at some point you will be hurt and you will feel that pain.

Knowing this, we expect to have pain; we project it, we feel it even before it happens. Sometimes we isolate ourselves from the world simply to avoid the vulnerability that will lead to emotional pain. And some of us are practically professional about how we avoid hurting ourselves, all because we are afraid of it. Some fear being hurt to such an extent that they avoid living a normal life; they live in a state of self-protection.


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