7 common sleep myths that could affect your health


According to new research, it may seem that these myths are detrimental to your health, although it is difficult to sleep longer or to have a drink before going to bed.

A good night's sleep is critical to overall health, but sleep problems affect millions of Americans. While there are a number of factors that affect sleep, including genetics and a variety of medical issues, researchers at the NYU School of Medicine were curious about the role that current myths and misconceptions about sleep might play.

"Sleep is a vital part of life that affects our productivity, our mood, as well as our health and well-being," said Rebecca Robbins, Ph.D, senior research researcher, PhD student in research postdoctoral fellow at NYU Langone Health. "Dispelling the myths about sleep promotes healthier sleep patterns, which, in turn, promote better overall health."

Researchers examined more than 8,000 websites to identify the 20 most common assumptions regarding to sleep which were based on questionable scientific evidence. With a team of sleep medicine experts, they ranked them according to their degree of truth or lie and the damage that the myth could cause to health.

Here are some of the most important sleep myths they have discovered.

Myth 1: Many adults need only five hours or less of sleep

Researchers have called this myth "a lot" fake and "very important" to public health.

Adults aged 18 to 60 should sleep at least 7 hours a night for optimal health and well-being, according to sleep specialists and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Only a very small percentage of the population actually works as well on Less sleep.

In the long term, lack of sleep has been associated with a number of chronic diseases, including hypertension, Diabetesand obesity, as well as mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. Lack of sleep can also affect productivity and concentration and lead to avoidable accidents.

Myth 2: Snoring is generally safe

Although snoring may occasionally be normal, chronic snoring may be a sign of Sleep Apnea, a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing stops and starts several times. This can lead to daytime fatigue and repeated awakenings make regular and quality sleep impossible.

Sleep apnea, if left untreated, may also increase the risk of hypertension, heart problems, Type 2 diabetes, abnormal cholesterol levels, liver problems and complications related to drugs and surgery.

Therefore, loud or annoying snoring may indicate that you should consult a doctor, according to the researchers.

Myth 3: Alcohol before bedtime will help you sleep

While folklore suggests that a nightcap provides restful sleep, alcohol before bedtime can have a negative impact on sleep.

"The literature on sleep and alcohol shows that alcohol consumption before bedtime reduces sleep latency but eventually causes sleep disturbances in the second half of the night," write the researchers. . In other words, alcohol consumption can help you fall asleep faster, but it delays the onset of deep paradoxical sleep.

Alcohol consumption has also been shown to worsen the symptoms of sleep apnea.

Myth 4: No matter what time you sleep

Although researchers recognize that it is better to sleep during the day than not to sleep at all, there is ample evidence that the timing of sleep is related to health.

Studies of night workers, whose circadian rhythms are disrupted, show that they report less sleep and a lower quality of sleep than day workers. Night workers also have a higher risk of long-term health problems such as depression, diabetes and cancer.

Myth 5: Your brain and your body can learn to function as well with less sleep

While many people may believe that they can learn to adapt to sleep less, the researchers found that it was wrong. Studies have shown that even after weeks of follow-up, a reduction in sleep leads to a decrease in performance during the day.

The researchers again point to night workers, who usually sleep less than those who have a daytime schedule and are at higher risk of death, whatever the cause.

Myth 6: Better to sleep than to get up when the alarm rings for the first time

Although little research has been done on the effects of sleep triggering, disrupting sleep is "not optimal," according to the researchers, and may have a negative impact on mood and cognition.

"The evidence suggests that it may be best to set the alarm when one has to get up instead of setting several alarms that can interrupt sleep," they write.

Myth 7: If you have trouble falling asleep, it's best to stay in bed and keep trying

Although this may seem counter-intuitive, sleep experts say that this common practice is based on false assumptions. Instead, they recommend that people who have difficulty falling asleep get out of bed and come back only when they are tired.

However, if your goal is to fall asleep, it is important to avoid blue light of electronicswhich disrupts circadian rhythms, so it is forbidden to watch television and to scroll through social media. Try to read a book, listen to music, podcast or meditate.

Change perceptions of sleep myths

The researchers say their study highlights misconceptions about sleep that, if brightened, could improve overall health.

"Sleep is important for health and greater efforts need to be made to inform the public of this important public health problem," said the study's principal investigator, Girardin Jean Louis, PhD, a professor in departments NYU Langone Population Health and Psychiatry. "For example, by discussing sleep patterns with their patients, doctors can help prevent sleep myths from increasing the risk of heart disease, obesity, and diabetes."

He notes that the study also provides a framework for public health campaigns.

"Beliefs are associated with behaviors," the authors conclude. "Thus, changing false beliefs about health is a promising strategy for promoting the health of the population."


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