7 Dangerous Side Effects Of The Keto Diet, According To Experts


Despite all its popularity as a weight loss strategy, the keto diet isn’t all sunshine, rainbows, and sinking numbers on the scale. In fact, this high fat, high carb diet has a bit of a dark side to it. We’re not just talking about a lack of long-term research into the effects of keto on health issues like diabetes and high cholesterol. In the short term, you may experience some very unpleasant, even dangerous, side effects from the keto diet.

Beware of These Seven Potentially Harmful Side Effects of the Keto Diet. And for more tips on healthy eating, be sure to check out our list of 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work.

keto foods

The ketogenic diet changes the body’s metabolism into a fat-burning state called ketosis. It does this by (almost) eliminating carbohydrates and focusing on fat. It can pay big dividends for rapid weight loss, but it can also help with your clarity of mind.

“A rapid reduction in carbohydrate intake leads to a decrease in glucose available to the brain, resulting in that ‘brain fog’ feeling where you may feel like your thinking and concentration is impaired,” says Erin Palinski -Wade, RD, CDE, diabetes educator.

If you’re about to be interviewed for a job (or, uh, use heavy machinery), you might want to delay starting Keto. That said, brain fog usually goes away after a relatively short interval.

“The brain is able to use ketones [a byproduct of fat] for energy in the absence of carbohydrates. As the body becomes more efficient at producing ketones, brain fog usually resolves within a week, ”says Palinski-Wade.

Here’s what happens to your body when you stop eating carbohydrates.

keto dish

A true keto diet is not only low in carbs, it is also quite low in protein. This means that some of the loss on the scale will not be just body fat. You could also lose muscle.

“When protein intake drops so low, it’s natural for there to be a loss of muscle mass, even in people who exercise regularly,” says Molly Kimball, RD, CSSD. “A lot of times someone doesn’t know they’ve lost muscle mass because they’re so aroused the scale goes down.”

To continue shrinking your waistline, without shrinking your muscles, Kimball encourages a modified keto diet.

“It might seem like it doesn’t get so low in protein by adding foods like fish or Greek yogurt,” Kimball says. “You might not be in ketosis, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. You will likely see results.”

For a more in-depth look at this popular diet, check out our guide to safe keto.

Woman holding plate of keto food at a table

Unfortunately, cutting back on carbs for weight loss means you’ll also be cutting back on good carbs, like fiber. (Yes, fiber is a carbohydrate!) Without fiber from fruits, vegetables, beans, and grains, your digestion will likely slow down – well at its lowest.

Occasional constipation doesn’t tend to present major health problems, but over time it can create harmful problems like abdominal pain, distension, hemorrhoids, and bowel obstruction. Having trouble “leaving” while on keto? Make sure you drink plenty of water and make your carbs count by choosing foods high in fiber and low in carbs like berries, avocados, and nuts.

If you’re not sure, read our guide to 9 Warning Signs You’re Not Eating Enough Fiber.

Table of keto diet foods on a table

It’s easy to see how changing your macros on keto might affect your gastrointestinal tract, but could it also interfere with your kidneys? In some cases, yes. It all comes down to the rise in animal products that often accompanies a high fat diet.

“A high intake of animal protein can increase the levels of calcium and uric acid in the urine,” says Palinski-Wade. “As these levels increase, your risk of developing kidney stones also increases.”

If you’re already prone to kidney stones, Palinski-Wade recommends consulting your doctor or dietitian before experimenting with keto. And for those who have never faced the particular misery of passing a stone, she also has a tip: “Since this risk can be higher with large amounts of processed meats, it is best to limit your meat consumption. processed and fatty meats and select leaner and unprocessed options such as fish and white meat poultry with eggs. “

keto healthy fats

Some people with diabetes tout keto as a miracle for stabilizing their blood sugar. There is even clinical evidence that a low-carb ketogenic diet may improve blood sugar control after about four months. But Palinski-Wade warns that keto and diabetes aren’t always a good mix, especially for people on hypoglycemic drugs. “If you take medication to lower blood sugar and eat few carbohydrates, there is a risk that your blood sugar will drop dangerously into hypoglycemia.

To avoid the foul-smelling and foul-smelling sensations of hypoglycemia, it is essential that people with low blood sugar problems plan a diet with a healthcare professional. “I would not recommend a keto diet or a very low carb diet for someone on hypoglycemia or insulin unless they are working closely with a dietitian and / or diabetes educator,” says Palinski-Wade.

Meal Planning With Diabetes? Don’t Miss These 50 Best Foods For Diabetics!

Keto breakfast rich in bacon and egg protein

Food and mood go hand in hand – for better or for worse. (After all, we all know what “hungry” means.) When you deprive your body of carbohydrates, mood swings can result.

“When the brain obtains less sugar from the blood for energy, it can impact mood and cause it to feel irritated, tired and difficult to concentrate,” says Palinski-Wade.

Feelings of restriction or the inability to socialize through food on a keto diet can make you feel very blue. Before you dive in, think about how much you’re willing to sacrifice in order to achieve keto success.

Many say no to carbs, so they cut carbs and go for a keto diet instead

A typical keto diet involves getting up to 85% of your daily calories from fat. With all of this fat, it’s no surprise that the diet isn’t really considered to be heart healthy.

“When we look at the long-term effects of a diet chronically lower in fruits and vegetables and higher in saturated animal fat, it’s likely not to help heart health,” Kimball says. “I’m not saying the keto diet is inherently bad for cholesterol or heart and vascular health, but high cholesterol is a side effect that’s not uncommon.”

On the flip side, due to the paucity of long-term research on keto and heart health, it’s hard to say how things might turn out if you stick to the diet for years. According to Kimball, keto can often improve blood pressure, stabilize blood sugar levels, and help people maintain a healthy weight – benefits that may outweigh the disadvantages of high cholesterol.

“There are so many factors involved,” she says. “This is something that needs to be managed individually with your doctor or dietitian.

For healthier ways to lose weight this year, check out our list of the top healthy eating tips for 2021, according to dietitians.


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