7-day COVID-19 positivity rate drops to 3.1% in Wisconsin


2 15 21 Covid 19 in figures Wi

MADISON, Wisconsin – The positive percentage of new COVID-19 tests continues to gradually decline in Wisconsin, according to the latest data from the State Department of Health Services.

The seven-day average percentage positive per test fell to 3.1% on Monday afternoon, a percentage which was 7.9% a month ago.

Positive percentage by test dashboard 5

DHS officials said more than 976,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered, while 240,907 have received both doses of the vaccine.

The state has reached a lifetime total of 555,708 confirmed cases, with 405 new cases recorded in the last day. Monday’s count is lower than yesterday’s amount and the seven-day moving average of 762. Less than 2% of cases are active.

Health officials said four more people had died from complications from the coronavirus, bringing the statewide death toll to 6,166. 38 more people were hospitalized between Sunday and Monday. With 10,767 hospital beds statewide, 22% of beds are available for new patients.

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