7 food rules dietitians say it’s okay to break


SALT LAKE CITY – We’ve all heard them before: the food rules you need to follow if you’re on a diet or want to eat healthy.

Does breaking these rules lead to cheating on your diet or prevent you from living your healthiest life?

Not necessarily. In fact, dietitians say it’s okay – and might even encourage you – to break up.

Here are seven dietary “rules” you don’t have to live to lead a healthy lifestyle, and you might find some relief knowing that these rules can be broken better.

Eat only “ good ” foods

All diets have a list of good and bad foods. Prohibited foods are generally labeled as “unhealthy”. So what happens when you eat foods labeled as bad? Are all your efforts in vain? Are you a bad person for eating this food?

“Labeling foods as good / bad or healthy / unhealthy makes us feel guilty when we eat the so-called ‘bad’ foods,” said registered dietitian Maria Adams, lecturer at Endicott College.

Adams went on to explain that food is neither good nor bad. Food has no moral value attached to it. It’s just food, and “all food has its place in the diet,” she said. When you realize that not all foods are inherently good or bad, the doors to a more flexible and realistic food model begin to open.

Don’t eat after 7 p.m.

It is a common eating rule to stop eating at a certain time; however, Anne Mauney is not suggesting you follow a dietitian.

“Ignoring your body’s signals will just leave you waking up hungry in the middle of the night,” Mauney said. “When you should stop eating depends a lot on what works for your body and your lifestyle.”

If you are really hungry at night, go ahead and eat. Don’t let a clock tell you when you’re hungry – let your body tell you.

That said, if you often get hungry late at night, Mauney recommends exploring why.

“For example, are your meals earlier in the day too small, unsatisfying or not balanced in terms of macronutrients?” she asks.

Don’t eat carbohydrates

Carbohydrates have been the most recent macronutrient demonized by popular fad diets, claiming that staying away from carbs will lead to a healthier, happier life. However, whole grains and starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes, oats, quinoa and brown rice can be included in a healthy diet, according to dietitian nutritionist Lisa Young, author of “Finally Full, Finally Slim.”

“As with any food, (carbohydrates) won’t cause weight gain unless you eat too much,” Young said.

Our bodies function best when fed a variety of foods, including those that contain carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are our brain’s preferred source of energy. Additionally, whole grains, fruits, and many starchy vegetables provide our bodies with key nutrients – such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients – and are beneficial for our gut health.

Eat 6 small meals a day

There is no set amount of meals you need to eat each day for optimal health. As with any type of diet, what works best for one person may not work for another. If you don’t have the time to take six short breaks throughout the day to eat, then maybe eating three meals a day would be better for you. If you feel better from eating smaller amounts of food more frequently, then do so.

You can eat as healthily by eating three meals a day as you can with six meals a day. Eating three 600 calorie meals per day will have the same thermal effect as eating six 300 calorie meals per day. There is no difference in your metabolism whether or not you eat more frequently as long as you eat the same amount of calories.

What really matters is that each person uses their individual circumstances to determine how often they should eat. Whatever you choose, be consistent, because your body will respond best and feel better with evenly spaced meals – whatever it is for you.

Don’t eat anything white

White bread, white rice, white pasta, white potatoes, and even bananas are often some of the first things people put aside when people go on a diet.

Dietitian nutritionist KeyVion Miller said she often hears from patients who are told not to eat these foods. She suggests that a better idea would be to encourage people to pair these foods with lots of vegetables, or to add high-fiber foods like beans, peas, or lentils to increase the nutritional value of the whole meal.

For example, if you are serving chicken stir-fry over white rice, add additional vegetables to the stir-fry to increase color and nutrients. Or if you like white potatoes, chop and roast them in the oven with a variety of vegetables for a delicious side dish.

“Even a so-called ‘perfect’ diet – which doesn’t exist – can make room for these foods,” Miller said.

Buy only the perimeter of the grocery store

The principle behind this rule is that by buying only the perimeter of the store, you would be buying only the freshest, healthiest foods while avoiding processed and prepackaged foods.

“The truth is that by only buying the perimeter of the grocery store, you are missing out on tons of nutrient-dense foods like grains, beans, canned vegetables and oils,” said Kristen Smith, nutritionist. dietitian.

Smith explained that foods like grains and cereals provide enough B vitamins and high-fiber ingredients to help you feel full. She also recommends venturing down the aisles so you don’t run out of foods high in omega-3 fatty acids such as walnuts, canned fish, flax seeds, and canola and olive oils, which can. support brain and heart health.

(Photo: Aisyaqilumaranas, Shutterstock)
(Photo: Aisyaqilumaranas, Shutterstock)

Never eat processed foods

There are many processed foods that can still be healthy for you. In fact, most of the food we buy in the store has been processed at least to some extent. For example, canned tuna, yogurt, frozen vegetables, string cheese, canned beans, hummus, and ground flax seeds have all been processed from their original state to be what you see. on store shelves.

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Sarah Schlichter assures clients that it is okay to eat processed foods.

“While we know that a diet high in whole foods can have many benefits, processed foods can still bring nutrients to the table. Plus, they can be a source of convenience and enjoyment for busy snacks or meals (eg quick rice, frozen pizza, chicken sausage, mixed vegetables, etc.), ”she said.

Schlichter recommends looking at processed foods simply as foods made up of carbohydrates, fat, and protein. She says including them as needed or as needed to help reduce stress, support a consistent diet, feed the family, and save money.

Brittany Poulson

About the Author: Brittany Poulson

Brittany Poulson is a registered dietitian from Utah and a certified diabetes educator. She shares her passion for health, diet and nutrition on her blog, www.yourchoicenutrition.com, where she encourages you to live a healthy lifestyle your way. To read more of his articles, visit Brittany’s KSL.com author page.

Editor’s Note: Everything in this article is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended and should not be construed as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.; Any opinions, statements, services, offers or other information or content expressed or made available are those of the respective authors or distributors and not of KSL. KSL does not endorse or responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, information or statement made in this article. KSL expressly disclaims any responsibility for any actions taken or not taken on the basis of the contents of this article.

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