7 symptoms that mean you need to go to the emergency room right away


Everyone went there; it’s a weekend or a weekday evening, your doctor’s office is closed, and you or a family member has symptoms that may or may not be serious.

While a trip to the emergency room can give you peace of mind, there are many reasons people tend to avoid it – from copay to wait times to possible exposure to viruses like COVID. -19. If you’ve ever wondered if an emergency room visit is necessary, especially during a pandemic, it’s important to recognize the types of symptoms that require immediate medical help.

So don’t think twice; go directly to the emergency room if you or a family member experiences any of the following symptoms.

Last April, emergency room visits for heart attack symptoms fell by nearly 40%, likely due to patient fears about exposure to COVID-19, Journal of the American College of Cardiology reports .

But unexplained chest pain should never be ignored, warns the American Heart Association – especially if it’s accompanied by other symptoms of a heart attack, such as shortness of breath, pain in one or both arms, or pain in the chest. other areas of the body, such as the jaw, neck or back.

Additionally, nausea, vomiting, or dizziness can also accompany a heart attack. Get immediate medical attention if you experience sudden chest pain or a combination of these symptoms.

A bad fall, a deep cut, a car accident, an accidental gunshot wound, or a head injury of any kind should always be treated by an emergency doctor. Whether or not the emergency room is a trauma center, it will have many more resources than your local emergency care center, such as advanced imaging and diagnostic testing equipment, general surgeons available 24 hours a day. 24 and doctors trained in trauma medicine.

Don’t wait if you or a family member has suffered a severe trauma – call an ambulance or go straight to the emergency room.

Life can be a pain in the neck – so there are many reasons why you might experience pain in your neck. But if you experience a stiff neck combined with a high fever, call 911 or go directly to the emergency room. Both are symptomatic of meningitis, a deadly infection of the membrane covering the spinal cord and brain, says the Meningitis Research Foundation.

7 symptoms that mean you need to go to the emergency room right away
Photo: Shutterstock

When it’s not just something you’ve eaten, it may warrant an emergency room visit. Sudden pain on the right side of your abdomen can be a case of appendicitis and is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and bloating.

If you have appendicitis, time is running out because a ruptured appendix spreads the infection throughout your abdomen and can be life threatening.

If you’re having symptoms of a stroke, you need help fast – and FAST is the best way to quickly remind yourself of the telltale signs: sagging face, weakness in arms, slurred speech, and time to stop. call 911. The American Stroke Association urges anyone suffering from any of these symptoms to call an ambulance or go to the emergency room immediately.

For people with severe allergies, Benadryl cannot cure certain things. Severe anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock warrants a call to 911 or a quick trip to the emergency room.

According to Everyday Health, symptoms of a severe allergic reaction include coughing, itchy throat or mouth, nausea and vomiting, itching or rash, or lightheadedness or lightheadedness. Every second counts when you have anaphylaxis, so go to the STAT emergency room.

In many people, COVID-19 can look like a mild bug. But keep in mind that the virus has killed more than 400,000 Americans according to the New York Times, and can be extremely serious, especially in the elderly or those with pre-existing health conditions.

If you have COVID-19 and have difficulty breathing, bluish facial lips, difficulty waking up or staying awake, confusion or persistent pain or pressure in your chest, it is important to see an emergency doctor.

Remember, every second counts when you encounter a potentially serious medical problem, so never overthink a trip to the emergency room when your health is at stake. The healthcare professionals at Steward Health Care are ready and ready to help. in case of severe symptoms. Find the nearest emergency room for more information.

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