7 things to know before taking supplements


Known as the “sun pill” for its purported ability to mimic the health effects of the sun, vitamin D supplements are a billion dollar industry.

People take vitamin D supplements for a variety of reasons, mental and physical. Some take it if they feel sad, maybe because of the winter blues, for example. Others take it because vitamin D is believed to play a role in bone health.

But before you hit the pill organizer, you need to know these seven facts about vitamin D supplements and how they work.

What is vitamin D and how does it affect health?

Vitamin D appears to allow the body to absorb calcium and phosphate, both of which are important for bone health and muscle function. The vitamin influences the metabolism and growth of cells, as well as the general functioning of the immune system. Vitamin D is also associated with a healthy gut microbiome.

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that breastfeeding mothers supplement their infants with vitamin D and that those who feed their babies also use infant formula containing vitamin D. This is because that too little vitamin D is associated with rickets, a condition characterized by soft or weak bones.

Beyond bone health, there is evidence that vitamin D also plays a role in cancer. One study found that vitamin D supplementation reduced cancer mortality by 25%. The idea is that vitamin D can influence the biology of tumors, making them less aggressive and less likely to proliferate.

Vitamin D deficiency can be the result of a variety of problems, such as insufficient sun exposure, digestive issues, and kidney problems. Symptoms can include mood swings, bone loss, fatigue, and muscle, joint, and bone pain.

Does Vitamin D Affect Mental Health?

Different experts have different views on this. As Ireverse Previously reported, Kathleen Holton, an associate professor at the American University and a neuroscientist in nutrition, claims that a low vitamin D content can disrupt normal neurotransmission, which in turn can lead to mental illness.

Others are more careful to draw conclusions. Margherita Cantorna, medical microbiologist and immunologist at Pennsylvania State University, tells Reverse that human brain cells have vitamin D receptors, suggesting that vitamin D is important. But there haven’t been enough studies in humans to determine what exactly this means for mental health, she says.

Where is vitamin D naturally found?

Vitamin D is found in certain foods, including oily fish, mushrooms, eggs, and foods that have been artificially supplemented to contain vitamin D, such as milk. The body also produces its own vitamin D when exposed to the sun.

The way it works is that when sunlight hits our skin, we make vitamin D through the conversion of cholesterol in our skin cells, according to researchers at Yale University.

Getting out in the sun can increase your body’s natural production of vitamin D.LukaTDB / E + / Getty Images

Do Vitamin D Supplements Work?

There is a lot of debate around vitamin D supplementation and the role of vitamin D in human health.

Vitamin D is best known for promoting bone health, but a recent scientific review published in 2018 concluded that vitamin D supplementation did nothing to increase bone mineral density or reduce bone fractures in people who already had normal levels of vitamin D.

But according to the National Institutes of Health, vitamin D supplements are an effective way to increase blood levels of vitamin D – if needed.

“The ‘job’ of vitamin D supplements depends on whether you are deficient, poor, or adequate in vitamin D,” says Paul Thomas, a nutritional scientist who works with the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements. Reverse.

“If you get enough vitamin D from food and the sun, vitamin D supplements should not provide any additional benefits.”

Thomas says the recommended daily intake of vitamin D from all sources is 15 mcg (600 IU) for people aged 14 to 70.

“Adequate [blood] levels range from 50 to 125 nmol / L or 20 to 50 ng / mL, depending on how the results are reported, ”explains Thomas.

How can I increase my vitamin D level?

People don’t tend to get enough vitamin D from food alone. Rather, the most important natural source of vitamin D comes from exposure to the sun. But as people spend more time indoors and use sunscreen to prevent skin cancer, sun-catalyzed vitamin D production decreases. According to a 2017 study, this could mean that more people have vitamin D deficiency compared to earlier periods in human history.

Shorter, colder winter days can also reduce the amount of time we spend in the sun, and thereby decrease vitamin D production, leading some experts and doctors to recommend supplementation during the winter months.

The Cleveland Clinic says that 10 to 15 minutes of sun exposure on the face, legs, arms, or back several times a week can provide enough vitamin D.

If you’d rather take one pill every day, vitamin D supplements are often affordable and generally considered safe, but recommended dosages vary widely by brand. Whatever you think is the best, talk to your doctor before taking a pill.

Vitamin D supplements are a billion dollar industry.athima tongloom / Moment / Getty Images

How long does it take for supplements to take effect?

The good news is that it’s easy to quickly boost your vitamin D levels to healthy levels.

“Your blood levels of vitamin D should increase within days of increasing your intake of this nutrient, regardless of the source – supplements, foods or [adequate] sun, ”says Thomas.

What effects should I notice?

Here’s the problem: Unless you have rickets or some other extreme vitamin D deficiency symptom, you probably won’t notice the difference at all.

If you are severely impaired, Thomas says, then “all bone pain and muscle seizures and spasms should go away.”

“For the vast majority of people, even those with low but not deficient levels, taking a vitamin D supplement will not provide any noticeable short-term benefit such as feeling better, having more energy, or improving mental focus.”

To get these kinds of benefits, you may be better off looking beyond the pill box and other health pursuits.


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