8 fully vaccinated health workers contracted COVID at pool party in Vegas


  • Eight fully vaccinated health workers caught COVID-19 at a poolside party in Las Vegas.
  • They all exhibited symptoms similar to allergies or the common cold, according to the Las Vegas Review Journal.
  • At least seven of them caught the highly infectious Delta variant, according to the report.
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Eleven healthcare workers caught COVID-19 at a poolside party in Las Vegas – and eight of them were fully vaccinated.

At least 10 of the 11 people caught the highly contagious Delta variant, the Las Vegas Review Journal reported, citing emails from the local health district.

Todd P Sklamberg, executive director of Sunrise Hospital, told the Las Vegas Review Journal that the outbreak stemmed from a private off-site party the eleven attended on June 7.

Sklamberg said the 11 health workers had symptoms similar to allergies or the common cold and had chosen to get tested. They then self-isolated and did not pass the virus on to anyone else, a preliminary investigation requested by the Southern Nevada Health District has found, according to the Review Journal.

Eight were fully vaccinated, two had received a dose of the vaccine and one was not vaccinated, the Review Journal reported, citing emails from the Southern Nevada Health District obtained by the Brown Institute for Media Innovation and shared with the Review Journal .

The emails also showed that at least 10 of the people had caught the Delta variant, the Review Journal reported.

The report does not specify which COVID-19 vaccines the workers received.

Stephanie Bethel, representative for the South Nevada Health District, told the Review Journal that the investigation found that COVID-19 vaccines given to health workers were properly stored and administered. No vaccine was 100% effective and breakthrough infections were expected, she added.

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The highly infectious Delta variant is now dominant in the United States, and Delta is responsible for about 80% of new COVID-19 infections in Nevada.

Real data from the UK showed that Pfizer’s vaccine, for example, was 33% effective against symptomatic illnesses caused by the Delta variant after one dose and 88% after two, meaning that around 12% of people who receive Pfizer’s vaccine are at risk of infection.

It’s hard to say how many vaccinated Americans are infected with Delta, because on May 1, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stopped monitoring all reported cases among those vaccinated, focusing instead on those resulting in hospitalization or illness. death. The cases of health workers in Las Vegas have reportedly not been picked up by the CDC.

Groundbreaking cases in people vaccinated do not reflect wider trends in Nevada – KTNV reported on Tuesday that 80% of hospital beds at Southern Hills Hospital in Las Vegas were filled with unvaccinated people, and nearly 100% of ICU patients were unvaccinated.

Brian Labus, assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Nevada School of Public Health, told the Review Journal that vaccines are like wearing a seat belt in a car. “Just because there is the occasional death of someone wearing a seat belt in the car accident doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear a seat belt. It will protect most people for most, ”he said.

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