8 things to know about COVID-19 in Oregon right now


Oregon is approaching 1,000 COVID-19-related deaths, a grim number that will be easily exceeded in the weeks to come.

The vast majority of the more than 76,000 confirmed cases in Oregon result in recovery, although not much is yet known about the long-term effects of the virus and the state has a significant portion of the cases (over 18300) for which it is not known whether someone was hospitalized.

Here’s a look at some of what we know as the calendar turns to December, according to data compiled by the Oregon Health Authority.

20 sometimes have most cases

People in their 20s represent the largest number of confirmed and suspected COVID-19 cases. As of Tuesday, there were 16,502 cases among people aged 20 to 29, accounting for 22% of all cases, compared with 13% of the population. People in their 20s were hospitalized at a lower rate – some 322 people – compared to older demographic groups. Two people in their 20s have died with COVID-19.

Cases cannot be attributed to a source

As state and local health officials have noted in recent weeks, contact tracers are unable to track recently identified cases. According to the state, the percentage of cases that cannot be traced to a specific source is at an all-time high, with 60% of recent cases untraceable. That’s according to the latest weekly data, from November 15 to November 21. The state hopes to keep this figure at 30% but has not reached this threshold since early June.

Women test positive more often, men die more from COVID-19

So far, during the pandemic, women in Oregon have tested positive for COVID-19 more frequently than men, while men account for a significantly higher share of deaths. According to the latest figures, 516 men have died from COVID-19 in Oregon while 419 women have died. According to state figures, women account for 39,488 cases and men 36,674. Women represent 50% of the population but represent a little more of known positive cases, around 52% as of this week.

Hospital stays vary

The median length of stay for Oregonians hospitalized for COVID-19 is six days. That’s according to data from 4,649 of the 76,000 known cases. Oregon has not confirmed the length of hospital stays for more than 1,000 COVID-19 patients, or nearly 23% of all hospital patients.

About 21% of people hospitalized stayed in hospital for 10 days or more.

People of color still disproportionately affected

People of color in Oregon continue to be disproportionately affected by COVID-19. According to figures from states – which like those mentioned earlier have a significant share for which demographics are unknown – the case rate per 100,000 population for black, Asian, indigenous and Pacific Islander communities exceeds that of white residents. . Pacific Islanders, who make up 0.4% of the state’s population, account for 1.2% of known cases.

Hispanics account for 24,274 cases, or about 32% of all cases. Hispanics make up about 13% of the state’s population.

Critical care patients nearly doubled last month

As of December 1, 111 patients with COVID-19 were in intensive care units, nearly double the total from a month ago.

Double patient ventilator

As of December 1, there were 54 COVID-19 patients on ventilators, the most since April 9 and more than double the figure from November 1. While it may sound worrisome, the state now has more than 700 ventilators on hand and medical treatments for COVID-19 have progressed since the early days of the pandemic, so these devices are less likely to be used now. than at the start of the crisis.

Hospitalized patients soar

The number of COVID-19 patients hospitalized in Oregon more than tripled in the past month, with 577 patients hospitalized statewide on Tuesday.

– Andrew Theen; [email protected]; 503-294-4026; @andrewtheen


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