80 students “potentially exposed” to COVID-19 after parent sends child to school after testing positive for virus


Source: FG Commerce / Getty

On August 9, more than 80 students at Marce Herz Middle School in Reno, Nevada, were potentially exposed to COVID-19 after a parent sent a child to school on day one despite testing positive for the child and parent for the virus only two days. before.

The next day, August 10, students who may have been exposed were subjected to home learning.

Director Brandon Bringhurst sent a letter to parents of potentially infected children the same day. The statement explained that children could resume in-person learning on August 17 if they did not show symptoms and were negative for the virus on or after August 14.

“As a precaution and due to possible exposure to COVID-19, your student should be quarantined at home, per Washoe County Health District guidelines,” Bringhurst’s post said, according to the Gazette de Reno Journal.

Despite the CDC’s public interest announcement that even vaccinated people can spread the Delta variant of COVID, Bringhurst’s letter said students potentially exposed but vaccinated would not have committed to the one-week quarantine and could continue to learn in person immediately as long as they could provide proof of their COVID vaccination.

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The Washoe County Health District did not share the identity of the child or parent. However, health district officials said the parent refused to communicate and officials would seek cooperation from all members of the community to move forward.

“We ask everyone, especially parents with children in Washoe County schools, to kindly cooperate with disease investigators regarding positive cases of COVID-19,” the health district said in a report. communicated according to Gazette de Reno Journal.

“It is imperative that we collect information on positive cases in order to reduce transmission in the community,” the Washoe County Health District said. Failure to cooperate with other community members and organizations that have tried to combat the spread of the virus only makes it harder for everyone to get back to normal within the county perimeter, he said. detailed.

“This led to a presumably contagious child attending school two days after being told of a positive COVID-19 test result. The parent, who also tested positive for COVID-19, also refused to contact the school. “

According to CNN, the health district said it did not plan to invest its “limited resources” in the parent’s criminal charge at this time.

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