Herbal supplement associated with nearly 100 deaths, warns the CDC


US health officials are urging the public not to use Kratom, a herbal supplement derived from a psychoactive plant native to Southeast Asia, which could have potential therapeutic effects. Between July 2016 and December 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that 91 people have died as a result of an unintended overdose.

Mitragyna speciosa contains the alkaloid mitragynine, which at low doses produces a stimulating effect but produces effects similar to those of opioids when it is consumed at higher doses. As such, it affects the same opioid receptors in the brain as morphine, further exposing users to the risks of addiction, abuse, and addiction.

Last fall, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a health advisory urging consumers not to use kratom. Since 2012, the agency is monitoring the drug and has more recently identified it as being of concern. A comprehensive review of studies on kratom use and mental health conducted since the 1960s revealed that kratom, sometimes used as a substitute for opioid-dependent people, also causes withdrawal symptoms.

In addition, the FDA concludes that there is no approved use for this plant.


"Overall, the scientific evidence that we have evaluated on kratom provides a clear picture of the biological effect of this substance.Kratom should not be used to treat medical conditions, nor as an alternative to prescription opioids, "said the FDA in a statement. "There is no evidence to indicate that kratom is safe or effective for any medical use, and to claim that kratom is benign because it is" just a plant "is short-sighted and dangerous . "

To determine the number of deaths associated with kratom, the CDC analyzed data from the unintentional drug overdose reporting system (SUDORS). Between 2011 and 2017, the National Poison Control Database reported 1,807 calls for potential poisonings that ultimately determined that the use of kratom was the cause of death in 11 states between June 2016 and 2017, either more than double to 27 states the following year.

During this period, 152 of the more than 27,000 total overdose deaths (0.56%) were kratom positive, while the supplement was the cause of death in 91 (nearly 60%) of these cases. Traces of other drugs have also been found in the bodies of many deceased people, most commonly fentanyl (65%) and heroin (almost 33%).

Of particular concern with these overdoses is that 80% of these cases had a history of substance abuse, while 90% had no evidence that they were currently receiving pain treatment under medical supervision.


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