Measles outbreak kills more than 1,200 people in Madagascar


AMBALAVAO, Madagascar – Babies lament while a nurse tries to reassure mothers who have vaccinated their children against a measles epidemic that has killed more than 1,200 people in this island nation where many are desperately poor.

Madagascar is facing the largest measles epidemic in its history, with cases well over 115,000, but resistance to childhood immunization is not driving this rise.

Measles cases are increasing in the United States and elsewhere, partly because of false information that makes some parents hesitate to receive a vaccine. New York City is trying to stop an outbreak by ordering mandatory vaccinations in a Brooklyn neighborhood.

In Madagascar, many parents want to protect their children but face huge challenges, including lack of resources.

Only 58% of the inhabitants of the main island of Madagascar have been vaccinated against measles, a major factor in the spread of the disease. Since measles is one of the most infectious diseases, vaccination rates must be 90% to 95% or more to prevent epidemics.

Recently, the waiting room at the Iarintsena Health Center was full, with mothers sitting on the floor and others waiting outside in the oppressive heat. Two volunteer nurses and a midwife tried to respond to the request.

Nifaliana Razaijafisoa had walked 15 kilometers with her 6-month-old baby in her arms.

"He has a fever," she said. "I think it's measles because there are those little pimples that have appeared on his face."

The nurse quickly confirmed it.

"I'm so scared for him because in the village everyone says it kills babies," Razaijafisoa said.

The epidemic has mostly killed children under the age of 15 since its appearance in September, according to the World Health Organization.

"The epidemic unfortunately continues to spread," said Dossou Vincent Sodjinou, an epidemiologist at WHO in Madagascar. By mid-March, 117,075 cases had been reported by the Ministry of Health, affecting all regions of the country.

Some cases of resistance to vaccination exist because of the influence of religion or traditional health practitioners, but they are isolated, he said.

This epidemic is complicated by the fact that nearly 50% of Malagasy children are malnourished.

"Malnutrition is the bed of measles," said Sodjinou.

The baby from Razaijafisoa weighs only 5 kilograms.

"This is the case for almost all children with measles who have come here," said Lantonirina Rasolofoniaina, a health center volunteer.

It can be difficult to contact a help center for help. Many people in Madagascar can not afford to see a doctor or buy drugs, and health centers often lack staff or have low-skilled workers.

As a result, information on health issues may not be reliable. Some parents do not know that vaccines are free, at least in public health centers.

Four of Erika Hantriniaina's five children had measles. She had mistakenly thought that people could not be vaccinated after the age of nine months.

"It's my 6-year-old daughter who had measles first. She had a lot of fever, "she said. "I called the doctor but it was Friday. He had already been to town. I went to see another doctor who told me that my daughter was allergic. … This misdiagnosis was almost fatal. "


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