Statins do not have the desired effect in half of patients, reveals study | Society


A new study suggests that nearly half of all statin-prescribed patients do not see their cholesterol levels reach the desired levels after two years.

The guidelines of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice) aim to reduce by 40% or more the cholesterol-related low density lipoprotein.

However, a new study, published in the journal Heart, revealed that half of people (51%) had a "suboptimal" response after 24 months of treatment.

Researchers at the University of Nottingham analyzed data from 165,411 patients who had statins prescribed in primary care between 1990 and 2016.

On average, they were 62 years old at the start of treatment.

A total of 84,609 patients presented a "suboptimal" response after two years and did not record a 40% or greater reduction in cholesterol.

The researchers found that a lower dose of power was prescribed at a higher proportion of patients with a "suboptimal" response compared to those with an "optimal" response.

The study found that patients who did not reach targeted levels were 22% more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those who responded well.

The researchers said the study provides "real world evidence" about statins.

"These findings contribute to the debate about the efficacy of statin therapy and highlight the need for personalized medicine in lipid management in patients," they wrote.

Professor Metin Avkiran, Associate Medical Director at the British Heart Foundation, said, "Statins are an important and proven treatment for lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of heart attack or potentially fatal stroke.

"Although this study suggests that not all people who have statins prescribed are able to reduce their cholesterol enough, that does not explain why.

"It may be that these people have been prescribed low-dose or low-potency statins, that they are not taking the drugs as prescribed, or that they are not responding well to the type of statins that they have." has been prescribed.

"If statins have been prescribed for you, you should continue to take them regularly, as prescribed.

"If you have concerns, discuss your medications with your GP.

Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard, President of the Royal College of GPs, said, "When we prescribe medications, we need to rely on patients to make sure they take them at the recommended dose and for the time we think. will benefit the most.

"Many studies show that statins are safe and effective drugs for most people, and can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, when they are appropriately prescribed – but their widespread use and their potential side effects remain controversial.

"There are complex reasons why patients choose not to take the medications they have been prescribed, and a mixed message about statins may be part of it."


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