A trip into a wormhole is possible, but it's not fast


Panoramic route

The idea of ​​wormholes – bridges looking like tunnels connecting two points of space-time – has existed for decades, many speculating that wormholes could allow interstellar travel or even intergalactic.

Now, Harvard physicist Daniel Jafferis has a good dose of good and bad news for science fiction fans: wormholes exist, but they probably will not serve as galactic shortcuts.

"It takes longer to cross these wormholes than to go directly, so they are not very useful for space travel," Jafferis said in a press release.

Ride in time

On Saturday, Jafferis presented a new theory on wormholes at the April 2019 meeting of the American Physical Society in Denver. He and his coauthors used quantum field theory tools to show that wormholes could exist and wormhole journeys were possible – but instead of being a shortcut, it would be a longer path between two points.

Yet, although the wormholes of Jafferis can not help us explore the universe, he thinks his theory might be useful in another way.

"The true importance of this work is in relation to the problem of information about black holes and the links between gravity and quantum mechanics," said Jafferis. , and perhaps even a new way of formulating quantum mechanics. "

READ MORE: Traveling through the wormholes is possible, but slow [American Institute of Physics]

More on the wormholes: Here is what we would need to turn wormholes into intergalactic shortcuts


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