Regular users of marijuana may need more anesthesia for medical procedures


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By Linda Carroll

A new study suggests that patients undergoing surgery may need higher levels of anesthesia if they consume marijuana regularly.

After reviewing the medical records of 250 Colorado patients undergoing colonoscopy and other endoscopic procedures, the researchers determined that regular marijuana users needed more anesthesia than those who did not. did not use cannabis, according to the study published in the Annals of the American Osteopathic Association. In fact, researchers found that marijuana users needed more than twice the amount of propofol, a powerful anesthetic, compared to others.

"Although the use of marijuana has been legalized for recreational and medical purposes in many states, it is a very poorly studied substance," said Dr. Mark Twardowski, author Main of the study, specialist of internal medicine in private practice in Colorado. "So we can not say that it has no effect on other drugs and substances that patients could use. Our study demonstrates that this seems to have at least an effect on the classes of drugs used for sedation in simple endoscopic procedures. "


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