Pork disease causes huge production losses



African swine fever (ASF) could have a significant impact on the global supply of pork.

Production losses could be larger than expected, according to a Rabobank report. According to them, pork losses in China could reach between 25 and 30%, or between 150 and 200 million pigs, or 30% more than US production and almost all European production.

Iowa is the country's largest pork producer and is expected to produce only 23.5 million hogs this year.

ASF has also expanded to Vietnam, with production losses approaching 10%.

Rabobank says that there will be challenges and opportunities for the livestock industry. In conclusion, China will probably try to switch to other proteins, such as beef or chicken, which will lead to higher world livestock prices.

Although the potential is good, the difficulties of the trade war remain with the important Chinese tariffs on American agricultural production.


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