A study from the University of Washington indicates that dating violence puts girls' lives at risk. (Photo: Getty Images)

Dating in adolescence has drama. Watch any broadcast in CW.

But researchers at the University of Washington said that the drama of dating between teens turned more often to homicide than people know, and that it's about 39, a problem to solve. The researchers published a report in the JAMA Pediatrics medical journal this week which found that nine out of 10 teens and teens killed by a dating partner are girls and more than a quarter of these deaths were caused by jealousy, breakdown or resistance in the relationship.

"It's a public health problem that needs to be taken seriously," said Avanti Adhia, the study's lead author. "Although this is not common, it happens more often than people realize."

Adhia said that teens often do not want to talk about dating violence with parents because it is embarrassing or that they know that it is unhealthy. Some schools and parents also do not want to talk about it. But it's a matter of life and death, Adhia told NPR.

"People think that intimate partner violence among adolescents is less serious than in adults," said Adhia, an epidemiologist at the University of Washington's School of Medicine. "It is important to emphasize that this can actually lead to death.This is not something that can be described as" This is just an argument between children "."

Teens killed by older partners, guns

The researchers say that the perception that violence between teenagers is not serious does not matter. (Photo: Getty Images)

Researchers examined more than 2,000 homicides of children between the ages of 11 and 18 in the United States between 2003 and 2016. Of these, nearly 7%, or 150 adolescents, were killed by intimate partners, former or current.

The researchers found that the average woman killed was 17 years old and their partners were usually about four years older.

About two-thirds of the deaths involved firearms.

The study asks adults to monitor girls when relationships end, which, along with jealousy and refusal to start a relationship, is responsible for 27% of teenage deaths.

While some states allow minors to file legal protection orders to remove abusers, others require the consent of their parents. The authors of the study say that it puts girls in danger.

The study recommends all states "to seriously consider" laws allowing teens to obtain protective orders without the consent of their parents.


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