John Cena in talks to join James Gunn's Suicide Squad – / Movie


John Cena's suicide team

Looks like a writer / director James Gunn really use a similar formula with DC The suicide brigade as he did with Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy – at least when it comes to casting. Gunn has chosen Dave Bautista, a former wrestler, to play one of the members of his ensemble in guardians, and now a new report says that the former wrestler John Cena is in talks to join the players back Margot Robbie, Viola Davis, Jai Courtneyand comrade newcomer Idris Elba in the cast of The suicide brigade.

According to Variety, Cena is in talks to come on board Warner Bros. and DC Suicide team which should come into production this fall. We do not know which character he could play, but looking at a list of characters, Cena seems to be a good choice for Peacemaker, a peace officer whose motives are motivated by extremist pacifism. Cena will be Cena's first cartoon movie, and given his track record of comic performances in recent years, it seems that it would be perfectly suited to a character with such a personality. an inherently funny duality.

Peacemaker is a role that Gunn apparently wanted guardians actor Dave Bautista to play, but we have not heard of Bautista officially join this project. Would it be too much to have two leading professional wrestlers in the same movie? If this role of Peacemaker is really reserved for Bautista, I personally would like to see Cena play Polka-Dot Man, simply because it seems like the most ridiculous thing that can happen. (Polka-Dot Man is wearing "an odd, stain-filled suit that soon became clear: once removed from the suit, these stitches could be used for a variety of purposes, creating lethal weapons and a weird rescue vehicle." movie is going to be wild.)

Margot Robbie would be back to play Harley Quinn, Viola Davis is back as Amanda Waller and Jai Courtney is back as captain Boomerang. Idris Elba would have been about to replace Will Smith as Deadshot, but now Elba apparently plays an entirely new character to allow Smith to take over this role if the opportunity arises.

The suicide brigade is currently scheduled to arrive in theaters on August 6, 2021.

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