Specialists hope to find answers to a Texas-born baby who has lost most of his skin. (Photo: Will fund me)

Texan parents of a skinless baby are hoping Houston specialists will be able to help their son who is so fragile that he has only been restrained twice by his mother in three months.

Ja'bari Gray was born on January 1st, he weighs 3 kilos and his skin is missing except on the head and legs. Her parents, Priscilla Maldonado Gray and Marvin Gray, said that the pregnancy progressed normally until 37 weeks. The doctors noticed that the baby was not gaining weight and other problems and decided to do an emergency caesarean section, revealed Maldonado Gray on a GoFundMe page.

"It was just completely silent," his mother told News 4 San Antonio on the occasion of the baby's birth. "You expect people to be happy after having a baby and I did not know until they put me in a room and explain what was happening." J & # I was confused, lost, I did not know what was going to happen. "

Doctors at the San Antonio Methodist Hospital initially diagnosed the baby with aplasia, a rare skin condition causing the birth of a skinless person, reported the San Antonio Express-News.

Rare and incurable disease

Last week, the baby, now 3 months old, was transferred to Texas Children's Hospital in Houston, where specialists told the family that Ja'bari may be suffering from epidermolysis bullosa.

Epidermolysis bullosa is a rare and incurable genetic disease that causes blisters on the skin, but can also affect the mouth, esophagus, lungs, muscles, eyes, nails and teeth. The disease affects 20 newborns in 1 million live births in the United States.

Parents, who also have children aged 5 and 6, undergo genetic testing because most forms of epidermolysis bullosa are hereditary, reported the San Antonio Express-News.

The baby, who now weighs 8 pounds, must be nurtured by a probe in the nose and needs frequent dressing changes and pain medication.

His parents both work at Taco Cabana and have created a GoFundMe page. His mother wrote on his son's page: "Every day he fights to live on this earth."

She can not comfort him in the usual way of mothers.

"I was able to hold it twice, but you have to wear a dress and wear gloves," she says. "It's not skin-to-skin, it's not the same."

& # 39; they will not give up & # 39;

Ja'bari's mother said that since her son arrived at the Houston hospital last Friday, a team of four doctors had given her encouraging news, she told FOX 26 Houston.

"They said that they promised, they gave us their word, they would not give up" bari ", she said.

In addition to his skin problem, Ja'bari was born with the chin welded to the chest. His eyes, toes and fingers were also merged. He needs a surgical procedure to open his airways so he can breathe alone, she said.

"It's very scary," said Priscilla Maldonado Gray to USA TODAY, adding that any small thing could cost her life. "But we have faith, it's all that matters."

The operation has not been scheduled yet, but "I have tons of hope now," she said.

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