When you die, you know you're dead because your brain is still functioning, says a scientist


We know we are dead when we die, because our brains continue to work to make us aware of what is happening around us, as a new research suggests.

The best medical experts have always disagreed about what happens when humans die, anecdotal evidence of bright lights and flashes reported by people who have "returned" have been at the root of many debates.

However, a new study suggests that your consciousness continues to function once your heart stops beating and your body movements fail.


This means that you are essentially "trapped" inside your dead body with your brain in activity, if only for a short time.

Survivors of a cardiac arrest were aware of what was going on around them while they were "dead" before being "brought back to life", revealed the ## 147 ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 39; study.

More surprisingly, there is some evidence to suggest that the deceased may even hear of his death by doctors.

Dr. Sam Parnia studies consciousness after death and examines cases of cardiac arrest in Europe and the United States.

He says that people in the first phase of death can still experience a form of consciousness.

The expert dared to say that people who had survived a cardiac arrest then accurately described what was going on around them after their heart stopped beating.

He said: "They will describe the observation of the work of doctors and nurses, will describe that they are aware of having whole conversations, ongoing visual events, which they do not have." Would otherwise not know. "

Explaining when a patient is officially declared dead, he said: "Everything is based on when the heart stops.

"Technically, that's how you get the hour of death."

His study examines what happens to the brain after cardiac arrest – and if consciousness persists after death and for how long – in order to improve the quality of resuscitation and prevent brain damage when restarting the heart.

Unlike Flatliners' plot, however, when a person is resuscitated, she does not come back with a "magical enrichment" of her memories, Dr. Parnia said.

This story originally appeared in The Sun.


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