The IU mumps outbreak now affects 20 cases in dormitories and a fraternity – Indiana News


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BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (WTHR) – IU Bloomington takes stock of the mumps epidemic on campus.

Until now, there are 20 confirmed cases. Nine of these cases were related to fraternity. Once this link was found, the university organized a clinic with these members and associates of the fraternity.

About half of the cases were students living in dormitories on campus.

Three students are still isolated and the others have been treated and released.

Two of the students are international students and all had been vaccinated against mumps. 16 of the cases involved students who received two doses of MMR vaccine. Experts at the press conference said that even with the two doses of the MMR vaccine, it was still only 88% effective.

Indiana University works with students and faculty to help students who are late for classes or work.

IU also works with the Centers for Disease Control by sending e-mails to all students who may have been in contact with the virus.


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