Researchers finally find a cure for the fatal sting of the world's most venomous creature


Reprinted from the University of Sydney

The researchers finally discovered an antidote to the deadly sting delivered by the most venomous creature on the planet – the Australian jellyfish.

The Australian jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri) has about 60 tentacles up to 3 meters (10 feet) long. Each tentacle has millions of microscopic hooks filled with venom.

Each jellyfish contains enough venom to kill more than 60 humans.

A simple sting in humans will cause necrosis of the skin, excruciating pain and, if the dose of venom is sufficient, cardiac arrest and death within minutes.

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Associate Professor Greg Neely and Dr. Raymond (Man-Tat) Lau and their team of pain researchers at the Charles Perkins Center at the University of Sydney were studying the functioning of the jellyfish venom during their discovery.

They found a drug that blocks the symptoms of a canned jellyfish sting if administered to the skin within 15 minutes of contact.

It has been shown that the antidote acts on human cells external to the body and then tested effectively. The researchers are now hoping to develop a topical application for humans.

"We were examining how venom works to better understand how it causes pain. Using new CRISPR genome editing techniques, we were able to quickly identify how this venom kills human cells. Fortunately, there was already a drug that could act on the pathway used by venom to kill cells, and when we tried using this drug as a venom antidote, we found that it could block the scars tissue and pain related to jellyfish stings, "said Associate Professor Neely. "It's super exciting."

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Posted in the prestigious journal Nature Communications, the study used the CRISPR edition of the entire genome to identify venom function. Genome editing is a technology that allows scientists to add, delete or modify genetic material in an organism's DNA.

In the study, the researchers took a vat of millions of human cells and inoculated a different human gene into each of them. Then they added the jellyfish venom – which kills the cells in large doses – and looked for surviving cells. From the screening of the entire genome, the researchers identified the human factors necessary for venom function.

"The jellyfish venom path we identified in this study requires cholesterol and, since there are many drugs available for cholesterol, we could try to block this pathway to see how this impacts the venom activity. We took one of these drugs, which we know is safe for human use, and we used it against venom, and it worked, "he said. said Dr. Lau, the main author of the document. "It's a molecular antidote."

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"This is the first molecular dissection on how this type of venom works and how venom works," Dr. Lau said. "I have not seen any study like this for another venom."

"We know that the drug will completely stop necrosis, skin scarring and pain when it is applied to the skin," said Associate Professor Neely, who is the lead author of the paper. "We do not know yet if it will stop a heart attack. This will require more research and we are seeking funding to continue this work. "

Picture of Jamie Seymour

Present in the coastal waters of northern Australia, from Queensland to Western Australia, via the Philippines, the jellyfish box is extremely dangerous. They do not just float – they can swim actively and gain a speed of 7.5 km / h when they hunt. They feed in shallow waters, mainly small fish and shrimp.

There are two types of jellyfish, the Irukandji, which is tiny, and the Chironex fleckeri, which is about 3 meters long. "We've studied the biggest, the most venomous and scary," said Associate Professor Neely. "Our drug is acting on the big beast. We do not know yet if it works on other jellyfish, but we know that it works on the deadliest. "

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The venom used in this study was collected in a box of jellyfish off the waters of Cairns by Associate Professor Jamie Seymour of James Cook University.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the only current treatment against a sting is to spray the area with vinegar for 30 seconds or to let very hot water over the affected area for 20 minutes. If it is a major problem, a continuous CPR is needed for the heart to continue beating.

"Our antidote is a drug that blocks venom," said Associate Professor Neely. "You must have it on the site within 15 minutes. In our study, we injected it. But the plan would be a spray or a topical cream. The argument against a cream is that when you are stung, it leaves a lot of little quills in you, so if you rub the cream on it, it could get you more venom. But if you spray, it could neutralize what's left outside your body. "

Associate Professor Neely and his team are now looking for potential partners to make the drug available to the public.

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Associate Professor Neely's team is working in functional genomics and studying chronic pain at the Charles Perkins Center. He leads the Sydney Genome Modification Initiative at the University of Sydney. They study a range of deadly Australian creatures – the jellyfish box and a wide variety of other venomous animals – to understand what causes the pain.

In 2018, pain and chronic pain cost the Australian economy $ 139 billion and are headed for $ 215 billion by 2050, according to Pain Australia.

"Most of our work is focused on developing non-addictive painkillers for humans," said Associate Professor Neely. "One of the ways to do this is to understand how the painful venoms of Australian creatures work by using the newest CRISPR technology. It's super cool.

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