Australian scientists discover antidote for deadly jellyfish stings


Australian researchers believe they have found an antidote to the sting of the most venomous creature in the world, the much feared jellyfish.

Researchers at the University of Sydney were interested in the deaths of 60 people in a jellyfish box.

The team noticed that venom needed cholesterol to kill human cells and decided to check if existing drugs could stop it.

"Since there are many drugs available to fight cholesterol," the team has tried one, said lead author Raymond Lau.

"It worked," he said. "It's a molecular antidote."

By performing tests on human cells and mice, the team discovered that it could stop tissue scarring and sting-related pain, provided the drug was injected within 15 minutes.

Stings of jellyfish – which may be smaller than a fingernail or up to three meters long depending on the species – can cause acute muscle aches, violent vomiting, sensations of "imminent doom", erect hairs, blows, heart failure and death in minutes.

Until now, they have only tested the spur of larger and more deadly species.

"We know that the drug will completely stop necrosis, skin scars and pain when applied to the skin," said Associate Professor Neely.

"We do not know yet if it will stop a heart attack, it will require more research, and we are asking for funding to continue this work."

The team hopes that a topical cream or spray can eventually be developed to prevent bites that can kill dozens of people each year and hospitalize thousands more.

© 2019 AFP


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