Scientists Develop 100% Effective HIV Treatment, Study Finds


Scientists have reported that an antiretroviral drug has prevented the spread of HIV in 1,000 sexually active homosexual couples, according to an eight-year study conducted in Europe.

The authors published their findings in the Lancet medical journal on Thursday, Reuters reported. The researchers followed 1,000 couples, each composed of an HIV-positive partner and an HIV-negative partner. According to researchers, couples were sexually active and did not use condoms during sex. Despite the lack of protection, none of the HIV-negative men would have contracted HIV.

HIV-positive men received antiretroviral therapy to suppress the AIDS virus, enabling them to have sex without transmitting the virus.

HIV is a virus that is transmitted by body fluids that attacks the immune system, particularly CD4 cells, according to Over time, the virus prevents the body from fighting infections and diseases. HIV is transmitted mainly through sexual intercourse and the shared use of syringes. Mothers can, however, pass the virus to their babies while breastfeeding.

The researchers followed the couples for eight years and found that no HIV-negative man had contracted HIV from his partner taking antiretrovirals. Scientists estimate that the treatment has prevented about 472 HIV transmissions over eight years, according to Reuters.

"Our findings provide conclusive evidence for homosexual men that the risk of HIV transmission with a suppressive antiretroviral drug is zero," said Alison Rodger, a professor at University College London and co-director of research, Reuters reported.

Fifteen HIV-negative men contracted the virus during the eight-year follow-up, but the researchers determined that they had all contracted from another sexual partner not taking antiretrovirals, according to Reuters.

The study comes after a second person with HIV has recovered, the New York Times reported on March 4th.

Twelve years after doctors healed an HIV-positive patient for the first time, a second patient was declared "long-term remission" after receiving a bone marrow transplant that seemed able to cure both his cancer and his HIV . (RELATED: Trump Announces Ten-Year Plan to Fight HIV in Times of Crisis: Report)

President Donald Trump tweeted on March 5 on a cure for HIV.

Timothy Ray Brown, 52, was the first HIV-positive patient to be cured of the virus. Brown had cancer and was cured of both diseases with a bone marrow transplant, the New York Times reported. After several transplants and a series of immunosuppressants, Brown was placed in an induced coma and nearly died before finally being cured and cured.

A nurse takes a blood sample for an HIV test in the laboratory of the NGO "Accion Solidaria" (Solidarity Action) in Caracas, Venezuela, on November 28, 2018. Photo taken on November 28, 2018. REUTERS / Marco Bello

The second anonymous patient – dubbed the "London patient" – received a bone marrow transplant to treat his Hodgkin lymphoma with immunosuppressive drugs. His treatment and suffering were much less intense than Brown's, according to The NYT. The patient stopped taking drugs to treat HIV in September 2017 and has been in remission ever since. (RELATED: White House keeps promise to fight HIV with $ 300 million campaign in high-risk counties)

More than 77 million people have contracted HIV since the beginning of the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s and about half of them subsequently died, according to Reuters.

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