Imagine getting shot by this tablet on a stick


It's very far from the cyborg that served and protected the Detroit people in the movie RoboCopbut this strange, expandable robot can help stop traffic and promises to make roadside interactions safer for police and motorists alike.

Each year, millions of drivers are arrested and during these stops, thousands of assaults and physical altercations occur, resulting in injuries and even the death of police and suspects. In addition to this, there is also the risk of other vehicles when a stop is made on the edge of a busy road. Reuben Brewer thinks that its creation can help reduce these numbers considerably. While the first versions were assembled in his garage, he is currently developing his police robot for SRI International within the company's Applied Technologies and Science Department.

The police robot was not designed to replace humans. Agents will continue to call the vehicles to stop, but when they do, the robot will help create a safe distance between the suspects and the police while they both remain in their vehicle during the tests. It is a telepresence robot that lies on a long arm from the police car to the suspect's vehicle, facilitating two-way video and audio communications.

But the robot is more than a video camera on a stick. It is equipped with a barcode reader to quickly scan the driver's license, while a thermal printer can debit tickets and quotes that drivers can tear as a receipt. When the robot moves next to a vehicle, it also subtly deploys a perforated tape under the car. So, if a suspect decides to run away, he will shred at least one tire in the process. The robot will certainly not reduce the incidents related to rabies, but it is safe to assume that angry suspects will be even more likely to whip against a camera and that the screen will be jostled in the face, but replace the bot is easy, but replacing an officer is not.

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