Ambien forces people to kill themselves while sleeping


New warning

Sleeping pills, including Ambien, have become infamous for causing people to act bizarrely in a semi-sleepy stupor – but the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will now require sleep pill manufacturers to post warnings on labels. according to The New York Times.

Examples of sleeping sickness-related harassment include: accidental overdose, falls, burns, near-drowning, exposure to extremely cold temperatures leading to limb loss, carbon monoxide poisoning, drowning, hypothermia, collisions between a vehicle and its driver and self-injury such as gunshot wounds and apparent suicide attempts, "according to an FDA study.

"Patients usually did not remember these events," the agency writes.

In other words, the FDA has finished doing well on drugs for sleep.

Open Secret

The FDA announced on Tuesday that a warning would be needed on all the medication guides for Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata and the generic version of Ambien, called zolpidem. The FDA also requires a separate warning against prescription drugs to anyone with a history of sleepwalking.

But this is not the first time the FDA has intervened to warn against sleeping pills. the NYT reports that the government agency first issued a public warning against bizarre sleep behavior more than 12 years ago – which means that this week's new warning only reinforces expectations.

"I'm surprised to see this warning now," said Ilene Rosen, a doctor at the University of Pennsylvania. NYT. "It's something I've been telling my patients for 15 years and this is well known in the sleep community. And I would like to think that we have done a good job in announcing that these drugs carry some risks. "

READ MORE: Anti-drug agency calls for strong warning labels on popular sleeping pills[[[[The New York Times]

More on Ambien: This is what Ambien can really do to you


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