In Germany, the anti-Vaxxers will have to pay a fine of 2,500 euros if the children do not have the bite against the measles


In Germany, anti-vaxxers can be fined € 2,500 if their children do not receive the measles vaccine.

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn has drafted a new rules act, which should ensure that all children are vaccinated.

In addition to the fines imposed on parents who choose not to protect their children against measles, the legislation would see unvaccinated children excluded from nurseries and daycares to protect those who are too young or medically unable to receive a measles vaccine.

Parents will have to show proof of vaccination in order to avoid penalties.

The new Spahn initiative is part of a debate on whether measles vaccine should be mandatory in Germany.

According to Independentthe health minister spoke to the Bild am Sonntag newspaper about his new legislation, saying:

I want to eradicate measles. Anyone attending kindergarten or elementary school should be vaccinated against measles.

Whoever does not vaccinate his child is liable to a fine of 2,500 euros.

Spahn, who belongs to Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative Deutschkonservat party, believes her initiative is strongly supported by her own coalition and the left-wing social democrats.

As the Minister of Health's proposal has not yet been examined by Cabinet, he has not yet clarified whether the legislation will be implemented.

according to ABC NewsGermany has reported 203 cases of measles during the first 10 weeks of 2019, more than double those of the same period last year.

Although there is a simple way to prevent the disease, hundreds of cases have been reported in countries where it was previously considered eradicated, such as the United States, because of anti-vaxxers.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said this week that people who spread false and misleading information about the misdeeds of vaccines had "blood on their hands".

In an interview with The temperatureHancock pointed out that the vaccination rate against measles in Britain was 91%, which is lower than the 95% required to protect people who can not be immunized.

The secretary of health said:

The evidence clearly demonstrates that immunization is good for you and your children and that it is a critical safeguard for people who can not be vaccinated for medical reasons and who otherwise would be at risk.

Those who promoted the myth of anti-vaccination are morally reprehensible, deeply irresponsible and have blood on their hands.

It is irresponsible and dangerous not to vaccinate. not only for the child in question, but for those who are unable to arm themselves against the disease.

All who can, should vaccinate their child.

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Emily Brown

Emily Brown

Emily Brown began publishing important news at the age of 13 when she began her career with a tour de table. She earned an Honors Bachelor of Arts degree in Media from Lancaster University and later became a freelance writer and blogger. Emily worked at Sunday Times Travel Magazine and Student Problems before becoming a journalist at UNILAD where she works on the latest news and longer forms.


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