Blue Origin NS-11 New Shepard Flight Test in Blue


Blue Origin participated in the eleventh test flight of its New Shepard spacecraft, a reusable capsule-rocket combo, with a perfect launch and a double-arrival at the company's test site in West Texas, the May 2, 2019.

The New Shepard rocket took off from the "NS-11" mission at 09:35 EDT (13:35 GMT, 08:35 local time) to send the unprepared capsule into the suborbital space. He returned to Earth after about 7.5 minutes of flight to make a vertical landing in the Texas Plains. The capsule was followed by a parachute landing about 3 minutes later. He conducted 38 flight experiments, including nine NASA experiments.

See the photos of the New Shepard mission of take-off in this photo gallery!

Full story: New Blue Origin Shepard Spacecraft Launches Largest Mission in History, Sticks Landing


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