This Latina is trying to end the stigma of suicide. For her, it's personal.


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By Gwen Aviles, Ali Galante and Steve Patterson

Bertha Loaiza's mission is to eliminate the shame caused by mental health problems, especially suicide, among other Latinos.

His work stems from his painful personal journey.

Loaiza, now 32 years old, was 3 years old when her mother took her to the edge of the San Diego-Coronado bridge in California and jumped with her in her arms.

Loaiza miraculously survived the 246-foot dive after a fisherman removed her unconscious body from the water. His mother, Angelica Medina, did not do it.

Bertha, 3 years old, with her mother, Angelica Medina.Courtesy of Bertha Loaiza

In her childhood, Loaiza did not remember the incident, thinking instead that she and her mother had had a car accident that had caused her eyes and leg injuries, and that she had been injured. no member of his family had corrected him.

But at 17, she discovered the truth while she cleaned her house. Loiza found a tape containing a report about a convalescent little girl after her mother jumped from a bridge on August 4, 1985.

"It was the worst feeling because I always had some kind of guilt. I had no clear recollection of her, said Loaiza. "I could not remember his smell, his laugh. So I see this VHS and it was even more foreign to me.

Loaiza was overwhelmed by a torrent of questions: why would her mother do that? Why did not anyone talk about it? But at first she did not mention her discovery to her family.

Mental health is a taboo subject & # 39;

This is not surprising, according to Luis Sandoval, a psychiatrist at Kaiser Permanente based in Los Angeles. Mental health is a particularly "taboo" topic among Hispanics, he said.

As a result, he sees a "silent epidemic" that prevents many Latin American families from asking for help.

Studies have shown that fewer than one in 11 Latinos contact mental health specialists. However, Sandoval says that the stigma against mental illness is so strong that even when patients come to see it, their treatment is inhibited by the fear of seeing how their illness will be met by family and friends.

Sandoval has had patients who stop taking the prescribed medication after a few days as directed by their family. Some patients keep their treatment secret to avoid any judgment.

"We are convinced that people are seeing you in the way they are going to treat you," said Sandoval "There is no in-between, you are normal or you are loco, crazy, and you do not want to be labeled like a crazy. "

It's not just a fear of sounding crazy, Sandoval said, but also a fear of appearing weak. A recent Kaiser Permanente survey found that 69% of Hispanic respondents think depression and / or anxiety are caused by "weakness or personal failure".


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