A mom from Georgia will attend an internship at NASA with the help of a fundraiser


A single mother from Georgia will work for NASA as part of an internship with the help of dozens of online supporters.

India Jackson, Ph.D. student in physics at Georgia State University (GSU), was offered an internship at the Houston space agency's field center. Although she was offered an allowance, Jackson said she could not cover her travel, accommodation and living expenses for her and her 12-year-old daughter, Jewel. "I have to pay rent in two places now, I have to rent a car, I have food, I have my child. What will I do? ", She told Atlanta Journal Constitution.

After thinking of ways to find enough money to cover her expenses, Jackson's cousin, Dasha Fuller, encouraged her to create a GoFundMe account last week with a goal of $ 8,000.

One day after launching its fundraiser, online contributors raised $ 8,510. "It really caught me off guard," Jackson said. "It was amazing and it was overwhelming, and I was blown away."

With the help of GoFundMe, she bought her plane tickets and extended her stay in Houston.

As part of his internship, Jackson will analyze high intensity radiation events and predict solar flares.

After graduating from GSU with a bachelor's and master's degree in mathematics, she taught mathematics at several colleges in Atlanta. Jackson's desire to pursue a career in physics and astronomy led to his doctoral studies at GSU. "Something I really wanted to do was work for NASA," she said.

Juggling a demanding college program while being a parent has presented Jackson with many challenges, but she has succeeded with the support of her family. "When things have to be done, they have to be done," she said. "I'm just lucky enough to live in an era where everything is technology-driven, and this GoFundMe account has been able to reach people around the world to help my cause."

Upon completion of his Ph.D. program, Jackson plans to work in the field of space travel. "I want to go to the International Space Station," she said. "People think I'm crazy. … They think it's impossible, but people also thought it was impossible to do what I've done so far. "


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