This weekend, it was 84 degrees in the north of Russia


Photo: AP

Scattered clouds have given sunlight a dream quality. Still, he caught himself in the ripples of the river, giving him a slight shimmer as he was crossing the city. The mercury is cracked at 84 degrees Fahrenheit.

The same scenes took place at 5,400 miles from each other but, even though it was only another day in May in New Orleans on the banks of the Mississippi River, it was part of a monster heat wave in Arkhangelsk, an outpost of western Russia located on the North Dvina River. . This was part of a heat band that gripped the surrounding area, raising the temperature of only 128 km south of the Arctic Circle to near the border with Kazakhstan, reaching 40 degrees Fahrenheit above normal for this time of year.

As Capital Weather Gang notes, the big heat wave comes on the same weekend. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have reached unprecedented heights in the history of mankind. Although they are separate data points, they both speak of a world whose climate is deteriorating.

New Orleans, Miami and other places in the southeast have all experienced average temperatures and over 80 this weekend. Normal, kind of Gulf Coast and Florida. But at the edge of the Arctic Circle, heat over 80 degrees was anything but. Several places in Russia set heat records for this time of year while Finland had its hottest day of the year so far over the weekend. According to Etienne Kapikian, a meteorologist at the National Meteorological Service in France, who follows the temperature readings, the heat persisted at the beginning of the week and intensified in some places. That includes Yelebuga, a town about 550 km east of Moscow, which reached a record high of 91 degrees Fahrenheit, a record for May.

Here's why the heat has been so high, according to Capital Weather Gang:

The unusually hot conditions in this region resulted from a domed high pressure zone centered on the west of Russia. This particular heat wave, while reflecting the arrangement of weather systems and jet-stream fluctuations, is part of an unusually warm year in the Arctic and most mid-latitudes.

Indeed, the wave of broken discs looks like a broken disc. The Arctic is the fastest warming region in the world, and such events show what this change looks like. Other discoveries showing how everything else changes from the diet of reindeer to the age of the pack ice to the shape of the landscape. Not only do these changes upset the lives of Arctic residents, but they have very serious consequences for the people of New Orleans or any other city on the coast. All this is undeniable except that it is exactly what is happening.


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