CANYON COUNTY (Idaho) – The State of Idaho's Department of Agriculture warns of an infectious disease that affects horses after a positive horse test in the Treasure Valley.
The virus, known as Equine Infectious Anemia or AIE, has been diagnosed in a recently transported horse from Washington to his home in Canyon County. The disease is usually transmitted by biting insects, but used needles or other equipment contaminated with the blood of an infected horse can also transmit the infection from one horse to another.
AIE can be fatal and cause symptoms such as mild fever, lethargy, weight loss, yellowing of body tissues, anemia, limb swelling and weakness. The signs of the disease can be subtle, and sometimes go unnoticed, according to ISDA.
The virus can not be passed on to humans.
There is no vaccine currently available to protect against EIA. The requirements of Idaho require that any horse with a positive result be isolated from other horses for the rest of his life.
The laboratory analysis of anti-EIA antibodies (Coggins test) can determine if a horse is infected. A negative Coggins test is required
The Coggins test is the most commonly used laboratory analysis for anti-EIA antibodies. All states require that horses undergo a negative Coggins test before they can be moved from one state to another.
"Horse owners are urged to incorporate an annual test of Coggins into their animal health diet, whether or not they travel from one state to another," said Dr. Bill Barton , veterinarian of ISDA, in a statement. "The horses contracted by the IEA are infected all their life and will remain a source of infection for other horses in the vicinity, so Coggins tests are extremely important for managing the spread of the disease. 39; EIA ".
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