PENNSYLVANIA – Temperatures are rising, making it an open invitation to cool off at the local pool.
However, before bathing, the Centers for Prevention and Control of Diseases warn swimmers of the upsurge of water parasite epidemics Cryptosporidium, better known as "crypto".
According to the CDC, Pennsylvania is one of 40 states in the US that has seen an increase since 2009.
Cyrpto can enter the body when a swimmer swallows contaminated water.
It is known to spread through feces in public pools and can cause weeks of diarrhea. However, it has a high tolerance to chlorine and can survive in a chlorinated pool up to seven days.
"It's just a matter of properly sanitizing the pools while making sure that the sick do not get into the water," said Denise Johnson, Director of Water Activities at YMCA York.
Johnson says that they have a special filter system.
"The water filters through the system, then passes through the UV system, eliminating bacteria before filtering it into the pool," she said.
Although Johnson says that she and her team regularly test and treat the indoor and outdoor pools. carry the responsibility to control the spread of Crypto.
"One of the rules we've pointed out is that if you've had a known stomach bug or some form of this insect, please do not go into the water," Johnson said.
The CDC advises anyone with diarrhea to avoid getting into the water until two weeks after stopping it.
The effects may be worse for children, pregnant women and all people with weak immune systems.
For more information, you can visit: cdc.gov
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