Hundreds of far-right protesters gather at Antifa in Portland


Hundreds of far-right protesters were greeted by hordes of antifa or anti-fascist counter-protesters in Portland, Oregon on Saturday, while President Trump had singled out the latter for the purpose. a possible designation as a terrorist organization.

"We attach great importance to the designation of ANTIFA as" ORGANIZING THE TERROR ", writes Trump. "Portland is watched very closely. Hope the mayor will be able to do his job well! "

It was the second time in a month that the president was proposing to slap a terrorist tag on a sometimes violent group.

In July, Senator GOP Sense. Ted Cruz of Texas and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana presented a non-binding Senate resolution to this effect.

Some 400 members of right-wing groups, including the Proud Boys, marched in the famous liberal city to protest the city's inaction following Antifa's attack on conservative journalist Andy Ngo on June 29. latest. Ngo was hospitalized for a cerebral hemorrhage.

There has been no arrest in this case, his lawyer announced Saturday on Twitter.

The local city of Rose City Antifa, billed as "the oldest active anti-fascist group in the country" and known for its use of violent tactics during street clashes, staged both counter-demonstrations – but dozens of policemen heavily armed have held protesters away from the protesters. another. Three people were arrested, according to Portland police officers, who installed concrete barriers to separate rival groups.

"Frankly, it's not useful," Mayor Ted Wheeler told CNN in response to Trump's comments on the 2013 Antifa movement.

"Adding to this sound does nothing to support or help the efforts being made here in Portland."

But it was music in the ears of the demonstrators. "Go watch President Trump's Twitter," said Joe Biggs, organizer of the rally right. L & # 39; Oregonian. "He said he was looking at Antifa. That's all we wanted. We wanted national attention and we got it. Success of the mission. "

National terrorism is defined as a criminal activity under the Patriot Act – but the law does not provide for any federal sanction for its perpetration. Instead, the actions of those classified as national terrorists are tried by state courts.

The protesters from Antifa also came in force Saturday.AP

A label of "national terror," which the FBI applies to offenders after the commission of a crime, only strengthens the powers of the investigators. On August 6, for example, the FBI opened a national terrorism investigation into the mass shooting of the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California.

Foreign terrorist organizations are treated very differently. Since 1997, the State Department has designated about 50 groups as terrorist organizations, most recently the Guards of the Islamic Revolution. These designations come with a range of official sanctions and prohibit US citizens from supporting them.

According to the experts, any attempt to apply such sanctions to national organizations would violate the protections provided by the First Amendment.

But several members of Congress – on both sides of the aisle – have made efforts to strengthen the federal government's ability to crack down on domestic terrorists.

Senator Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) Introduced a bill last week that would make acts of national terrorism a federal crime. The representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) Presented Friday in the House his own bill that would do the same.

Additional report by Eileen AJ Connelly


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