As for adults, no easy way to manage weight in children


NEW YORK – red, yellow, green. It is a system that conveys food safety and is at the center of a debate about how to address weight loss in children.

This month, the company formerly known as Weight Watchers provoked a violent reaction by introducing a food tracking app for children as young as 8 years old. The application uses a well-known traffic signal system to classify foods, giving children a weekly limit of 42 ". the "reds", which include steak, peanut butter and potato chips.

Obesity is a growing public health problem that no one really knows how to solve, and about one in five children in the United States is considered obese, compared to one in seven in 2000. Obesity in children often leads to obesity adults and an increased risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

It is crucial that children eat well and exercise, but it is extremely difficult and difficult to determine how to do it effectively. For some, the application recalled the bad experiences of childhood around weight and shame, in public and at home.

"I do not think we appreciate the stigma and stigma of families struggling with weight problems," said Dr. Stephanie Walsh, Medical Director of Children's Healthcare Atlanta. This can make the situation even more stressful for parents worried about the health of their children, she said.

There is no easy way to achieve a healthy weight, regardless of age. But when it comes to addressing the subject with children, pediatricians and dieticians believe that it is appropriate to consider the best practices.

Talk about

Parents may feel that a conversation is not necessary, especially with younger children, and that they can change their behavior by changing their lifestyle. But experts say that a discussion can be constructive, especially if the changes are noticeable.

The key is to approach the subject with kindness and solicitude and to avoid blaming the child's behavior. Children should also understand that any change would be to help them feel better, not their appearance.

Although the problem may seem uncomfortable, failure to do so may make a child's disability worse if he is teased at school or feels uncomfortable with himself.

"In some ways, just publishing it could be a relief," said Tommy Tomlinson, an author who recounted his weight struggle with the weight of "The Elephant in the Room".


Any adaptation of meals and activities should involve the whole family, so that children do not feel isolated. This is related to the belief that the most effective way to help a child change behavior is to give the example.

According to Walsh, it is also essential to define the changes in a positive way, ie to suggest new recipes to try together or to ask questions about activities that might interest them.

"Stay optimistic," she said.

Then there is the question of giving advice on food. Parents may not like the idea of ​​directing children to a weight-loss app, especially since it offers older children the opportunity to "switch to a coaching service that costs $ 69 a month ".

The company now called WW says the app is based on Stanford Children's weight control program, but there are varying views regarding the traffic light system.

Dr. Sarah Hampl, pediatrician specializing in weight management at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri, said this could be a simple way to understand a complex subject. Experts say the system can also help adults eat better.

But UCLA dietitian Kaitlin Reid said it was a way to categorize good or bad foods, which should be avoided. Seeing foods as bad can lead to feelings of guilt when you eat them.


At the age of 11 or 12, Tomlinson was taken to a doctor who gave him diet pills. Few health professionals would do it today, and there is a broad consensus on other mistakes to avoid.

Using the word "diet", for example, could mean that the child has a problem, and that the changes are short-term.

Trying to scare children by warning them of potential medical problems is also not helpful. And if parents change their lifestyle more broadly, they should not feel the need to intervene or scold every time a child looks for a candy.

"Guilt and blame are not good motivators for change," said Stephen Pont, associate professor of pediatrics at the Dell Medical School of the University of Texas. Similarly, experts say that parents should avoid making negative comments about their own bodies.

According to Mr. Pont, it does not matter if parents notice significant changes immediately, instilling healthy habits in children has long-term benefits.

The Associated Press Health and Science Department is supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Department of Science Education. The AP is solely responsible for all content.


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