Acupuncture for hair loss: how does it help?


There is probably nothing more frustrating than seeing the gradual thinning of your crown while you are doing nothing, removing the locks from your hair stuck in the hairbrush. Our hair remains an extremely crucial element of our identity and it can be devastating to notice bald spots and receding hair.

Unfortunately, we do not realize that everyday habits, such as inadequate nutrition in the face of chronic stress, can wreak havoc on hair quality and even contribute to their fall. If you think investing in an expensive shampoo and conditioner will do your job, you are deeply mistaken.

Some of the most common causes of hair loss include:

1. Thyroid disorders

2. Lack of adequate nutrition

3. Chronic stress

4. Iron deficiency

5. Prolonged use of corrosive chemicals

6. unhealthy diet

Although there are several anti-hair loss products on the market, it is important to understand that hair loss is not a superficial problem and requires a multifaceted approach. This is why it is wise to consider an alternative therapy. The research is even less conclusive about whether acupuncture treats hair loss, she still finds scientific support in case of healing backache and neck pain.

Can we use acupuncture to treat hair loss?

Acupuncture is a form of ancient Chinese medicine and is one of the major components of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This procedure involves inserting extremely thin needles into a person's skin at the targeted locations. Acupuncture aims primarily to balance the energy of the person (Qi) to promote general well-being.

According to this traditional Chinese remedy, if the Qi (pronounced Chee) is blocked, it can cause several health problems. This is why acupuncture focuses on eliminating blocked energy by inserting thin needles into specific acupuncture points to open them.

Once the blockage is resolved, the pathways or meridians can again transport the essential nutrients and energy of the vital force (Qi) throughout the body.

It is said that regular acupuncture sessions can help stimulate hair growth and restore balance in the body. Experts recommend at least 10 to 20 acupuncture sessions because it is not a quick fix and takes time to treat the cause of the problem.

In addition, it is also said to reduce inflammation of the follicle and increase blood circulation in the scalp to promote hair growth.


Do not forget that everyone reacts differently depending on the treatments and that, if acupuncture does not have significant side effects, you may feel:

1.Minor bruising

2. Pain

3. tiredness

4. muscle contractions

These side effects usually go away on their own and you need to see a doctor if you feel any further discomfort.


The information in this article is for informational purposes only. The purpose of this article is to promote a broader understanding of acupuncture in the treatment of various health problems.

It is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or medical treatment. Always seek advice from your doctor or other qualified health care provider if you have questions about a health problem or treatment before starting a new health plan, and never neglect professional medical advice or advice. do not wait to search for it because of something you have suffered. read in this article.


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