NASA conspiracy – A Martian rover of the space agency accused of concealing water in Red Planet | Bizarre | New


The Mars Curiosity rover of the US Space Agency, NASA, was sent to the red planet to answer the ultimate question: did Mars already have the environmental conditions conducive to extraterrestrial life? At the beginning of its mission, NASA's unmanned probe scientific tools spotted the verified chemical and mineral signs of past habitable environments on Mars. Today, a so-called extraterrestrial life expert believes that NASA is hiding evidence of the presence of liquid water – the basis of life – on Mars.

The strange claims concern an image taken by Curiosity's Mastcam on the right on Sol 712 (August 7th, at 2.38 UTC).

Scott Waring went on his blog to wildly speculate on the alleged UFO sighting.

He wrote: "What I've found here is water that flows from some rocks on a hill.

"This picture was taken in August 2014 and I found it a few months later.

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"Still, NASA has never said to have found this water at this place."

Mr. Waring has accused the hypocrisy of the famous US space agency after citing a former NASA Associate Administrator.

The former NASA astronaut, John Grunsfeld, said in 2015: "Our quest on Mars has been to track the water."

Waring continued, "And yet, they ignored this stream of water and never informed the news or the public about the rover's findings.

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"They had to see this, look at how much the flow of water is obvious and important.

"It's impossible to miss it. NASA has decided to hide it from the public.

"The mobile could have easily analyzed and tested this liquid to see if it contains water or anything else, but again, NASA has not yet said nor posted any news of this Photo."

Waring went on to say in a strange way that NASA is collaborating by hiding its discoveries from the public.

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He wrote, "I wonder how well they know and how much they have found?

"I bet they've already found half a dozen living species on Mars.

"Do you remember how the first life in space was announced by Russian astronauts who discovered a big plankton on the solar panels of the space station a few years ago? Yeah … NASA did not do that … Russia did it.

"Do you remember that gel found on the moon this week by the Chinese moon thrower Jade Rabbit? Yeah … it was not NASA too.

"If we want to divulge the truth about alien species, we have to rely on other sources rather than on NASA."

NASA has actually announced liquid water proofs on Mars in 2015.

The space agency said in a statement: "It is assumed that dark, narrow, 100-meter-long trails called recurrent slope lines that descend to Mars have been formed by running waters.

"Recently, planetary scientists have detected hydrated salts on these slopes of the Hale crater, thus corroborating their initial assumption that streaks are well formed by liquid water."


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