Asteroid Shock: 'God of Chaos' more likely to hit Science | News


The 370m-wide asteroid is a collision with Earth – and NASA is unable to completely rule out a strike. The Apophis God of Chaos asteroid is named after the ancient Egyptian god of evil, darkness and destruction. It is bigger than the Shard in London and could have major consequences. If the 27bn kilogram asteroid were to hit Earth, scientists would calculate it would leave a 518 meter deep.

However, most worryingly, the impact would be equivalent to 880million tones of TNT being detonated – 65,000 times as powerful as the nuclear bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima.

When the space rock was first discovered in 2004, NASA was concerned that it would hit Earth in 2029, stating there was a 2.7 percent chance of impacting the planet.

However, by studying its orbit of the Sun, the space agency is likely to effectively rule this impact out.

But experts across the globe are still worried about a potential impact on April 12, 2068.

NASA has also given Apophis a 150,000 chance of colliding in 2068.

While the chances of the asteroid are high, they are more likely to be killed than they are.

Bryan Walsh, author of the new End Times book which analyzes the existential threats, which says: "The chance of Apophis hitting the earth is a microscopic 0.00089 percent as of 2019 – though that is higher than your chance of dying in a plane crash. "

However, a spate of aviation disasters over the last few years is sure to make the public nervous.

READ MORE: Asteroid collision with Earth ruled out by NASA

Astronomer Davide Farnocchia added: "We already know that the Earth will change Apophis' orbit.

"But our models would like to change this asteroid spins and it is possible that there will be some exchange rates, like small avalanches."


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