Tropical storms are brewing on both sides of the US as Dorian makes its way


Neither storm should land at the present time, but the NHC monitors them as they move and develop.

Tropical Storm Gabrielle

Tropical Storm Gabrielle

Tropical Storm Gabrielle is currently in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

At 990 miles from the nearest land (the Azores, an archipelago in the center of the Atlantic), the National Hurricane Center's current forecast is that it moves from west to the United States before turning to the the northeast and go out.

But for now, says the NHC, it is hard to cross the center of the Atlantic. But we expect it to gain strength and become a Sunday hurricane.

The watches and warnings have not been extended yet, but Gabrielle's wind speed was 50 mph on Saturday morning and is expected to reach hurricane levels by Sunday as she heads for the United States. United States, according to the NHC.

Tropical Storm Juliet

Tropical Storm Juliet

Tropical Storm Juliette is located on the Pacific coast of the continent.

Juliet is about 1090 miles from the southern tip of Baja California, NHC said.

No warning or watch has been issued for Juliette. The storm has sustained maximum winds of 45 mph, but is expected to weaken regularly. "Juliette should become a post-tropical low subsistence Saturday," said NHC.


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