Reduce your intake of mouthwash: this could negate the benefits of exercise and trigger high blood pressure


LONDON: The antihypertensive effect of exercise is greatly reduced when people rinse their mouths with an antibacterial mouthwash rather than with water, according to a study showing Importance of oral bacteria for cardiovascular health. The study, published in the journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine, suggests that health professionals should pay attention to the oral environment when they recommend interventions involving physical activity for the patient. hypertension.

"Scientists already know that blood vessels open during exercise, as nitric oxide production increases the diameter of blood vessels (called vasodilatation), thereby increasing the flow of blood through the muscles assets, "said Raul Bescos, from the University of Plymouth to Britain.

"What's remained mysterious is how the blood circulation stays higher after exercise, in turn triggering a lower blood pressure reaction known as post exercise hypotension. "said Bescos.

Previous research has suggested that nitric oxide was not involved in this post-exercise response – and only during exercise – but the new study questions these views.

"Everything is related to the breakdown of nitric oxide into a compound called nitrate, which we thought for years to have no function in the body." But the research conducted during the last decade have shown that nitrate can be absorbed by the salivary glands and excreted with saliva mouth, "said Bescos.

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Myths and facts about hypertension

June 29, 2019

Hypertension is the most common and preventable risk factor for heart attacks, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure and blockage of the arteries of the legs, causing pain and gangrene.It is important to follow a healthy lifestyle, one must learn to control hypertension.One can keep blood pressure under control with certain changes such as eating healthy (fruits / vegetables), resulting in daily, follow a weight loss program, quit smoking, manage stress with yoga / meditation, follow up on medication and see a doctor regularly. From reducing sodium intake to reducing alcohol consumption, Dr. Nikesh D Jain, consulting cardiologist at the Jaslok Hospital & Research Center, shares facts and myths about the use of alcohol. 39; hypertension.

Twenty-three healthy adults were invited to run on a treadmill for a total of 30 minutes on two different occasions, after which they were monitored for two hours.

On each occasion, one, 30, 60 and 90 minutes after exercise, they were asked to rinse their mouths with a liquid – either an antibacterial mouthwash (0.2% chlorhexidine) or a placebo d & rsquo; Water flavored with mint.

Their blood pressure was measured and saliva and blood samples were taken before exercise and 120 minutes after exercise.

The study found that when participants were flushed with the placebo, the average reduction in systolic blood pressure was 5.2 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) one hour after exercise.

However, when participants were rinsed with the antibacterial mouthwash, the mean systolic blood pressure was 2.0 mmHg at the same time.

Systolic blood pressure refers to the highest blood pressure level when the heart squeezes and pushes blood around the body.

These results show that the hypotensive effect of exercise was reduced by more than 60% during the first hour of recovery and completely abolished two hours after exercise when participants received the rinse -bacterial layer.

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Superfoods to lower blood pressure

May 17, 2019

Hypertension has become a modern health problem in sedentary people.

During regular checkups and physical activities to keep blood pressure going, it is also important to ensure food control to stay healthy. Having a healthy diet, consuming less sodium, reducing alcohol consumption and quitting smoking are some of the essential steps that people with high BP should follow.

Dr. Mayur Jain, consultant and cardiologist at the Jaslok Hospital & Research Center, presents a list of superfoods that can help lower blood pressure.

NOTE: People with kidney problems or other underlying illnesses should consult a specialist before changing plans. It is important to monitor your blood pressure twice a week, followed by a regular medical checkup.

Previous views have also suggested that nitric oxide formed during exercise in endothelial cells (cells lining the blood vessels) was the main source of nitrite in the circulation after exercise.

However, the new study disputes this. When participants were administered an antibacterial mouthwash, their blood levels of nitrite did not increase after exercise.

It was only when the participants used the placebo that the levels of nitrite in the blood increased, indicating that oral bacteria are an essential source of this molecule in the circulation at least during the first recovery period. after the exercise.

"These results show that the synthesis of nitrites by oral bacteria is extremely important in determining our body's response to exercise during the first recovery period, thus promoting hypotension and better muscle oxygenation", said Craig Cutler, who led the research as part of the research. from his doctorate at the University of Plymouth.

"In fact, it's as if the mouth bacteria were the" key "to open the blood vessels.If they are removed, the nitrite can no longer be produced and the vessels remain in their current state", has it -he declares.


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