A white couple gave birth to an Asian girl after an accident in a fertility clinic


A white New Jersey couple who had a daughter by IVF was stunned when the baby developed "Asian characteristics" – and a DNA test proved that the husband was not the father, according to their complaint against the clinical.

Kristina Koedderich and Drew Wasilewski, who are now divorced, went to the Institute of Reproductive Medicine and Science in St. Barnabas in 2012 and spent $ 500,000 for treatment, according to court documents. Upper Essex County.

Their daughter was born in 2013 and "a few years later, they noticed that the baby was starting to have Asian traits," the couple's lawyer, David Mazie, of Mazie, Slater, Katz told The Post. Freeman.

A DNA test conducted in 2015 confirmed that there was "a 0% probability" that Drew, 49, is the biological father of his daughter, depending on the case.

The negligence of the clinic caused "the marriage breakdown between Kristina and Drew Wasilewski," says the lawsuit.

Judge Keith Lynott of the Superior Court last month ordered the clinic to provide a list of men who donated sperm at about the same time the couple was using the facility – hoping to clarify who is the biological father of the girl.

Parents want to know who has used sperm so they can learn about the genetic background of their daughter, who is now 6, and if she wants to have a relationship with her biological father in the future.

"They like it a lot, but it's a very sensitive and very stressful situation for them," said Mazie.

They also want to know if Drew's sperm has been used for IVF treatment of someone else.

The couple seeks unspecified damages, claiming that the clinic's error caused "great pain, suffering, permanent injury and disability, as well as loss of enjoyment of quality of life" .

A spokesman for the St. Barnabas Medical Center told Patch they did not comment on the disputes.

Last month, an Ohio couple who had also undergone IVF treatment filed a lawsuit, claiming that his clinic had used sperm from a stranger for his 24-year-old daughter's father.


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