Do you know what the prostate does?
If you answered no, you are not alone. According to a new study, just one in four men over 50 knows what their prostate is doing, yet it's a critical part of men's health, especially as they get older.
The prostate is about the size of a ping-pong ball located between the base of the penis and the rectum. The gland is responsible for providing the seminal fluid that mixes with the sperm, allowing it to survive and leave the testicles, according to the Prostate Cancer Foundation. A variety of ailments can affect the prostate with aging, including enlargement and cancer.
A survey conducted by researchers from the European Urological Association and Boston Scientific surveyed more than 3,000 men over the age of 50 in the UK, Germany and France. The 10-question survey asked how often men had certain symptoms and how long they would wait before seeing a doctor. The researchers found that only one in four men was able to correctly identify the main function of the prostate, while misconceptions about prostate health, especially problems with prostate enlargement, hypertrophy benign prostate and hyperplasia. Just over one-third of respondents were able to correctly identify the associated disorders.
"The results are worrisome, especially since the survey targeted men in the older age group most likely to suffer from prostate-related conditions, such as prostate cancer and prostate cancer. hypertrophy of the prostate, "said urologist Hein Van Poppel in a statement. As the population ages, we must ensure that men are well informed to enable prompt consultation and treatment if necessary. "
As men get older, the prostate gland develops slowly, but an abnormal increase in enlargement can be a cause of medical concern. (Only one in six respondents knew it.) Although its cause is unknown, doctors think it could be related to the hormonal changes that accompany aging. Nearly half of men aged 50 to 60 years were unable to recognize the associated symptoms, which may include a sudden urge to urinate, pain or pain when urinating, as well as peeing over. Once a night. Even mild symptoms can affect the quality of life and have been associated with an increased risk of heart disease.
Most men reported that they rarely discussed issues with family members or their female partners, which researchers say needs to change.
"Previous research has shown that women know more about men's health issues than men, so we encourage men to discuss their urologic symptoms and conditions with their partners or families, and to consult them." specialized health professionals such as urologists, "said Van Poppel.
Overall, more than half of those surveyed said that they would discuss problems with urination with their general practitioner, while only one-quarter said they would "look for" their symptoms for more information. .
Most men should start asking for an annual prostate exam at the age of 50, or earlier if the family history suggests it.
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