Delhi Witnesses Recurrence of Coronavirus Symptoms in Some Recovered COVID-19 Patients


Delhi Witnesses Recurrence of Coronavirus Symptoms in Some Recovered COVID-19 Patients
Image Source: PTI

Delhi Witnesses Recurrence of Coronavirus Symptoms in Some Recovered COVID-19 Patients

Some Delhi hospitals have said they are seeing recovered coronavirus patients returning home with a recurrence of the infection. Earlier this month, the government-run Rajiv Gandhi Super Specialty Hospital in Delhi saw two cases of patients with a relapse of the coronavirus, nearly a month and a half after recovering from the infection. In the two relapses, the patients presented with moderate symptoms.

Aakash Healthcare in Dwarka also reported a case where a cancer patient recovered from coronavirus and contracted the disease again after a few months. The second time proved fatal for the patient who succumbed to the virus.

Last month, the case of a Delhi policeman with a relapse of the novel coronavirus emerged, which left experts perplexed.

That same month, a similar case surfaced in the nation’s capital after a nurse employed at a COVID-19 hospital dedicated to civic management tested positive again after recovering from the contagious disease.

According to Dr BL Sherwal, medical director of the Delhi government hospital, unless the virus is cultivated or genetic sequencing done, it will be difficult to determine whether it is a different strain of the virus that has infected the person most. second time.

“There may be a relapse. The virus can be isolated from the body especially from the sputum. We have proof that after the ninth or tenth day the virus becomes non-infectious and patients are no longer tested”, a- he declared.

“However, the virus has been reported to live in patients who recovered about 39 to 40 days ago,” he added.

Dr Chandragouda Dodagoudar, director of medical oncology at Aakash Healthcare in Dwarka, shared the case of a 65-year-old patient with stage 2 lymphoma.

The patient first visited the health facility in March and was advised on chemotherapy, but was very worried due to the coronavirus disease.

“The patient delayed the treatment for two and a half months and took alternative medicine and when the medicine didn’t work and she started to have pain, she went to the hospital. She had contracted COVID-19 by then and the lymphoma had progressed from stage 2 to stage 4. We were unable to administer chemotherapy while she was on COVID treatment, ”he said.

The doctor said after the patient recovered from the coronavirus, she received a slight dose of chemotherapy and improved and was discharged.
But after a month, she relapsed from COVID and was in critical condition and died last month.

The primary doctor said the patient had no other co-morbidities, but called the cancer “co-morbid”.

Sherwal said patients with weak immunity are likely to be re-infected. “It can be present in any of the patients, cancerous, HIV positive, etc.,” he said.

He added that immunocompromised patients are at greater risk if they don’t take precautions like wearing masks and frequent hand washing.

(With PTI entries)

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