Napa County Reports 2 New Deaths From COVID-19; 39 new cases | Local News



Napa County reported 39 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday, bringing the total to 1,245 cases since March.

There were two new deaths – one resident of Napa County and the other a person from another county who lived in a collective care facility in Napa, the county said.

The two new deaths bring the local total to 13 people since the first death in March.

Of the 1,245 cases since March, 393 people are listed as recovered, the county said.

Napa County has seen an increase in COVID-19 cases since the start of July. The outbreak helped put Napa County on the state county watch list and forced various businesses, including indoor restaurants, the barber shop, and barbershops, to shut down last month.

The county set a record last week with 160 cases

Napa County coronavirus demographics can be found online at To see how the county compares to other criteria, including hospital capacity, go to:

Napa County is encouraging people at risk of exposure to get tested for the coronavirus, while recognizing that it can take several weeks to see results. To screen and schedule a test, visit


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