Nurses smoke after North Dakota lets COVID-infected medical workers stay at work


At a North Dakota hospital, nurses are forced to test patients for the deadly coronavirus with only a surgical mask. And statewide, dozens of nurses are working multiple night shifts in a row, afraid to speak out as North Dakota grapples with a rapid coronavirus spike that has left hospitals facing a dangerous shortage of beds.

On Monday, state officials announced a seemingly counterproductive dressing to tackle the tidal wave of cases that have overwhelmed the mostly rural hospital system: COVID-19 positive nurses and other agents of the health can come to work.

Now the nurses are crazy.

“Nurses have a very high level of confidence in our community, and if we say we can go back to work after testing positive, how can we expect the public to take this pandemic seriously?” Tessa Johnson, president of the North Dakota Nurses Association Johnson, told the Daily Beast.

“I’ve heard from a lot of people that they’re at their breaking point. I think we’re going to lose nurses because of it. It affected everyone in a different way, ”she added.


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