Charles Koch regrets his partisanship: “Boy, we missed it!


GOP mega-donor Charles Koch has said he regrets his decades of partisanship and now wants to focus on bridging the political divide, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.

In an interview shortly before the election, the 85-year-old libertarian mogul told the newspaper that after funding conservative causes, he turned to issues such as poverty, drug addiction, gang violence, homelessness and recidivism.

Over the years, the Koch brothers – Charles and David Koch – have built a network of influence that has poured money into conservative causes and candidates. Charles Koch remains at the head of Koch Industries, a multi-billion dollar conglomerate with 130,000 employees.

In a new book co-authored by Koch – “Believe in People: Bottom-Up Solutions for a Top-Down World,” scheduled for publication on Tuesday – he reflects on what he called the division of his partisan politics.

“Boy, did we screw up!” he writes in the book. “What a mess!”

Despite Koch’s calls for unity, his political contributions largely favored GOP candidates in the 2020 election cycle, with $ 2.8 million given to Republicans and just $ 221,000 to Democratic candidates, the Journal reported. .

Still, Koch congratulated the president-elect Joe bidenJoe Biden Biden spoke to some GOP senators, chief of staff said Trump told advisers he could announce 2024 candidacy soon after Biden’s victory is certified: report Obama is ‘troubled’ by GOP attempts to cast doubt on election results: ‘This is a dangerous path’ and elected vice-president Kamala harrisLearn more on their election victory, saying, “I hope we all use this post-election period to find a better way forward.”

President TrumpDonald John Trump Biden spoke to some GOP senators, chief of staff said Trump told advisers he could announce 2024 candidacy soon after Biden’s victory is certified: a report from the Ivy League cancels winter sports amid U.S. COVID-19 PLUS pandemic surge and most Republicans in Congress refuse to refer to Biden as president-elect, instead siding with the Trump campaign’s legal efforts to challenge the election results.

“Because of partisanship, we have come to expect too much politics and too little of ourselves and each other,” Koch said.


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