Steve Daines has COVID-19 antibodies after Pfizer vaccine trial


Senator Steve Daines and his wife participated in Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine trial and tested positive for antibodies, he said.

Daines (R-Mont.) Made the revelation in a statement released Wednesday in which he said he got involved in the effort in late summer to help “build confidence” by taking a vaccine.

“In August, I got a call from my mom telling me how Pfizer was looking for people to sign up for their COVID-19 vaccine trial right in my hometown of Bozeman. Through this call, my sweet wife Cindy and I decided to go online and register for the trial – joining over 100 participating everyday Montanans. Although this was a blind test, I have since tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies, ”the Republican said.

A blind trial occurs when only the scientists who administer a test know which treatments are given to which participants, which means Daines doesn’t know whether he received the vaccine or a placebo.

Daines, who was re-elected to his Senate seat earlier this month, went on to explain his motivations for getting involved.

“My goal is to help build the confidence of Montanans and Americans who are wondering whether they should take the vaccine when it is approved. It’s about saving lives, ”he said, adding that he hoped to help“ restore normalcy to our way of life ”.

“Since the start of the pandemic, I have made the research, development and manufacture of a COVID-19 vaccine and therapeutic drugs a top priority because I believe that to get back to normal we need ‘a safe and effective vaccine’. continued the senator from Montana.

Daines went on to say that while he didn’t believe a vaccine should be mandatory, he would encourage everyone to take it once it becomes available.

Its announcement comes after Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech announced that their COVID-19 vaccine was 95% effective and would be submitted for regulatory approval within days.

Daines’ colleague Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) announced this week that he is also participating in a vaccine trial, in his case with Johnson & Johnson.


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